View Full Version : How do you Modify a Deployment?

2008-06-06, 07:44 PM
When creating a deployment in Autocad Architecture, the deployment wizard nicely creates a deployment link and a "Modify Deployment" link. Unfortunately the Revit 2009 deployment wizard doesn't create the link that allows you to modify the deployment. Does anyone know how to do it? I know I could edit the Revit.ini file but I don't know if all the settings I need to modify are stored in Revit.ini.

A related question: In what file is the Render Appearance Library Location stored? My deployment set the path to the incorrect location and I don't know how to fix it.


2008-06-06, 09:59 PM
The shortcut to Modify a deployment is located in the Tools subfolder within the deployment folder.

Rendering assetlibrary goes in C:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2009\Data\Rendering

2008-06-09, 01:22 PM
Thanks, I was able to modify the deployment.

The issue with the rendering library is that we are mapping all the content paths to a directory on our central server so everyone has access to the same libraries. However, there is no place in the deployment wizard where you can set a custom path for the rendering library, which resulted in an error message on the client machines, because the deployment skipped the content installation yet the rendering library path still pointed to the C-drive default location. Is there a reason to not share the rendering library?

For now I changed the deployment so it uses the default location for the rendering library. Not an ideal situation, because it robs me of the ability to easily add materials to everyone's library. If anyone knows of a way to set the rendering path through the deployment, please let me know.

Scott D Davis
2008-06-09, 05:11 PM
Sharing the library will save space and install time, but may cause other issues.

Since the library is read-only, it will always be the same if installed by default on each machine. Sharing it on a network may also increase rendering times. It's meant to be installed locally on each machine.

. Is there a reason to not share the rendering library?.

2008-06-09, 05:12 PM
You can't add rendering material libraries in the way you used to in Accurender - you always start with one of the provided appearances, and modify the settings within the project, adding jpg or bump maps as needed. The provided appearance library should go on the local machines, as it is read-only, and doesn't get modified or added to.

2008-06-10, 01:08 AM
That makes sense Scott & Daniel. I guess I better install it locally, especially if it might increase rendering time.
So is there a way to grow the library and share the additional materials with the rest of the office for future projects? New materials materials can be be transferred from a project to a template file I suppose. But how about additional render resources such as new or modified tileable jpegs/bitmaps. I suppose those will not be saved withing the project, so if the someone else tries to render my a view on their computer it won't work unless they have all the same jpegs in their library that I have. I suppose this is what the "Additional Render Resources" paths are for in the settings. I could set one of these to the central server and put new resources there.
