View Full Version : Rendering Library error...AGAIN!

2008-06-09, 07:06 PM
Sorry for re-asking an old question, but I've yet to hear a clear answer/work around... Has anyone solved the seeming random problem with the RAC 2009 install that says "Rendering Library did not install. Render features will be disabled"... I've read all the threads and what seams to have worked in some cases seem as random as rthe issue itself.

Any new info would be greatly appreciated.

2008-06-09, 07:37 PM
This one almost always results in a reinstall. You can file a support request, but the answer will be to uninstall, and manually remove the files listed in other threads. I ran server 2003 as a workstation to take advantage of multiple processors, but this version of Revit would not take for rendering, so I got a new machine with a quad core and works fine with xpsp2. There are several tweaks/tricks listed in the treads, but probably gonna be something with the operating system or hardware that's got Revit messed up. Note that the factory boys had problems on their own boxes with this too.

Don't give up though, file a support request, and document exactly what you're doing. Hopefully someone can help you figure out the issue.