View Full Version : turning off layers

2003-07-30, 08:39 PM
Hey.. Like in AutoCAD you can turn on/off layers that you dont want to be shown on a drawing.
How do you do that in Revit?

Scott D Davis
2003-07-30, 09:03 PM
View Visibility settings, or with the Temp Hide/Isolate tool (sunglasses in the toolbar)

No more layers! You dont want to show the walls? Turn off the walls. Not layer a-wall-int-part.

2003-07-30, 09:07 PM
There is no layer system in Revit. You may be bale to achieve what you want with a combo of visibility settings and the view range. Check the help files for more info on this. It is a very basic and fundamental feature of Revit and you should become familiar with it as much as possible...it may seem a little daunting at first, but it is really quite simple.

2003-07-30, 09:08 PM
the walls I dont want show are a 1st floor walls that are showing on a foundation plan. I need the stemwalls to show.
But these walls from above are showing.

2003-07-30, 09:19 PM
That's a view-range issue. You can find it in the View Properties dialog

2003-07-30, 10:06 PM
Worse case, if the foundation is stepped or you cannot get what you are looking for, you can use the linework tool to make the walls in question invisible.

Temporary Hide/Isolate is view specific and does not carry through to printing, so it is not a good documentation tool; just use it to temporarily turn stuff of in order to get a better angle at what you're working on.

2003-07-30, 10:07 PM
okay, i messed with the view range.
And this si the problem Iam running into.
The floor is split. It has a level extending from the existing house, and then it drops down almost 1'
So the foundation wall had to be stepped.
I have built up framing on the raised part of the floor.
but on the lower level the walls that go from that level to the ceiling are showing and I when I mess with the view range, I lose the built up framing that needs to be shown.

2003-07-30, 10:18 PM
oh yea and Im using version 4.5
Iam so tempted to go back to ADT for my detailing and framing plan..

2003-07-30, 11:39 PM

I have to be honest I THINK IT'S A USER ISSUE :wink:

Spend some time playing with it and I think you'll be surprised what you can come up with

2003-07-31, 12:19 AM

not a tip or trick...moving to general...."Q"

2003-07-31, 12:49 AM

Some bizarre self-moderation ritual perhaps?

2003-07-31, 12:54 AM
mmmm hummm

2003-07-31, 01:15 AM
in my pissy mood I wrote what I did.
I just went ahead and drew the beams as models and then just took the sectional into drafting views and Iam doing it the old fashioned CAD way!!

2003-07-31, 03:06 AM
{jerk mode = on} :twisted:

I have been instructed by my evil overlord to suggest that you stop being a knucklehead and read the tutorials. They really will help you with this.

{jerk mode = off} :D

P.S. I am assuming that if this post is overly offensive, it will be moderated out, right, Steve?


2003-07-31, 07:26 AM
tips and tricks are for asking questions and trying to solve problems..
Excuse me if I asked a question, and was frustrated at the program..Iam so sorry I mentioned ADT...
Never again I promise master..
And as for being a knucklehead, big deal its just words on a screen.
But I did go thru the tutorials and I did go thru the view range.
I have walls that I dont want to show up on a split foundation wall.
And these walls that arent supposed to be there are showing up..
ALso has anyone noticed that sometimes after they lock dimensions and save and quit the program that the dimensions that were locked have become unlocked..
And sometimes move or disappear?
Maybe its me.

Vincent Valentijn
2003-07-31, 09:49 AM
it's you.. and it's not..

It works both ways, you probably haven't found out all the things you can do in Revit and how to do them.. and YES you're free to post questions, that's what boards are supposed to be for, right?

Also.. Revit is far from being perfect too.. the 'glitches' you're experiencing aren't shocking news, I have run into a few myself. Though often.. after some time.. you will find there are some mysterious -commandments- that will smoothen your Revit path along the way, just keep going. All in all I'm quite pleased with Revit's capacities (being a ADT/ACAD/REVIT user/trainer)

2003-07-31, 10:46 AM

Just to clarify, Tip & Tricks is NOT a location for questions. A question belongs in General or another forum perhaps. Posting a question means you don't HAVE a tip or trick...to offer.

If someone else has a cool solution to your issue...then IT belongs in tips and tricks. A quick scan of the contents of T&T will reveal the underlying intent. The original post is always offering something that may not be readily apparent or "so good" that even if it is basic it deserves mention according to the poster.

As for the "K" comment, we each can earn that moniker sometimes. :(

I will say this - Posting negative comments while using a version of software that was replaced nearly 10 months ago by several newer releases is akin to posting complaints about AutoCAD r14 in the AutoCAD 2004 group. I disagree with your assessment regardless of version however...I'm quite content, warts and all.

Martin P
2003-07-31, 12:26 PM
Timothy, reading through this post I picked up the problem. You have a split level on plan. There are problems with this In Revit - ie it cannot dog-leg a level.

I have done several split level buildings and I have to say they were a bit of a nightmare. They can be done though. In the end I found the simplest and most effective method was to export out problem parts to dwg - ie the parts that you want to display, but the view paramaters wont let you. You then import them back in, and use crop regions to cut out the Revit model where required, then place the imported DWG where you need it so long as you dont explode the DWG, and you import it as "display in current view only" it will display quite happily outside the crop boundaries. It will import right back in at the correct location if you select "automatically place" - "origin to origin" when importing.

There are other methods, but they arent very good, this is the easiest way to get split levels to work at the moment. Hope that helps.

Watch out for hatches in the imported dwg though - they blot out everything that is under them.

Q - sorry!! that is probably a tip now :lol:

2003-07-31, 01:15 PM
there is a very simple way to acheive what you want. enable worksets and put your foundation walls on a single workset, this will allow you to turn off everything but the walls you want, you can do this for any group of objects that needs to be controlled sep. ie, site work, interior walls, exterior walls, foundations etc.

There is no stupid question here, If ADT can do something better, I want to know and I want it included in revit. Revit can be quite frustrating when you are still thinking in the "legacy cad" way. Thats a hurdle all users switching must get over, some do it easy others kick and scream.

We call it the BIG "O" when the kickers and screamers finally get it. And when they do its an amazing site to see.

2003-07-31, 04:38 PM
In my own defense here...

I love Revit
I like AutoCAD
I have never used ADT and have no opinion of it
I have read the tutorials
I have still made stupid mistakes
I am very frequently a knucklehead myself :puffy:

2003-08-01, 06:56 AM
I have done several split level buildings and I have to say they were a bit of a nightmare. They can be done though. In the end I found the simplest and most effective method was to export out problem parts to dwg - ie the parts that you want to display, but the view paramaters wont let you. You then import them back in, and use crop regions to cut out the Revit model where required, then place the imported DWG where you need it so long as you dont explode the DWG, and you import it as "display in current view only" it will display quite happily outside the crop boundaries. It will import right back in at the correct location if you select "automatically place" - "origin to origin" when importing.:

Ahhh yes, split levels in Revit, one of my most unfavorite things. I've recently been through that nightmare too, Matin. Ended up using that same cutnpaste method. Absolutely horrible :twisted:

This remains number one " must-fix-it " on the list of anyone unfortunate enough to have a split level project.

Make my day Revit, fix it for 6.0.
