View Full Version : Crashing after wall edit...

2004-09-14, 10:17 PM
Revit decides to bail (an error that "cannot be ignored") after I do a wall type edit. I am simply adding a layer of drywall to the inside of the wall type, something I forgot to do earlier on in the project. It is a 28 Meg apartment project. Could it be that Revit is getting overwhelmed with all the changes to the wall joins that it has to make, with all the instances of the particular wall?

If anyone has a workaround, please share.

Thanks in advance,

2004-09-14, 10:26 PM
could be a bunch of things, what type of error is it?

2004-09-14, 10:46 PM
There were a bunch of errors, half were un-ignorable and the others were just warnings. They were all in one dialogue box - too many to list. Most of them are "walls cannot be joined" or "sketch lines must be parallel to walls" What I couldn't understand is that the errors seem to be related to walls other than the one I edited. I don't have time now to go through them all - I hope this sorta helps.

2004-09-16, 09:20 PM
It is a pretty major change to make many of your walls wider by even a bit. All joined walls would need to become shorter, longer. If you had constraints relating these walls to other objects, those need to adjust as well.

When a wall's width changes, the location line stays put.

So if you used centerlines, both interior and exterior sides of your walls will move a bit. It is usually better (and more meaningful) to use more structural loc line. (Like finish exterior, core interior, etc.) This way at least the meaningful location of your wall stays in place.

You could try to select your wall instances before type change and change their loc line and see if you get different result.

Wes Macaulay
2004-09-16, 10:35 PM
Find out which objects were causing the problem and write their ID numbers down. Forget doing the change to the wall type for now. Esp get the IDs of the objects with the more serious errors.

Select each object by ID number and see if it's evident why the change in wall thickness is going to be a problem. The new wall location may mean a floor or roof sketch might be invalid -- edit those floor or roof sketches and disassociate them from the walls, etc.

It's those kinds of things that can bite you during a change like you're talking about.