View Full Version : Sections of Sections

2008-06-11, 08:00 PM
How can I create and rotate a detail view within a stair section without having my section marker in my stair section disappear?

Andre Carvalho
2008-06-11, 08:12 PM
I'm sorry, I'm trying to understand exactly what you want. Can you write more details of what you want and what's preventing you from achieving it?

Andre Carvalho

2008-06-11, 10:25 PM
This is really confusing..so here we go...my plan view of the stairs is angled and needs to remain angled. my section cut is perpendicular to the stairs. From the section I need to create additional section cuts that become detail views. They look very similar to plan views except they are not orientated the same as my plan views. I rotate the crop region of my freshly created detail view to get it to read on the page( to coordinate with my plan view call outs) When I rotate the detail view, The tag in my section of the stairs directing me to the detail view disappears. How can I rotate the detail view without making my tag in the section disappear?

Mr Spot
2008-06-11, 10:46 PM
Sometimes when you rotate a section its crop region jumps to a location where it no longer intersects the view that you originally rotated it in, meaning you lose your marker. I find if I open the view and recorrect my crop region it should appear again.

Am I thinking along the same lines?


2008-06-12, 01:50 PM
That would make the tag reappear. However I need the view to be rotated and I need a tag to get me to the view. Can I have both?

Mr Spot
2008-06-16, 02:32 AM
Are you able to post a screenshot of what you want OR a sketch?