View Full Version : Stepped Beam

2008-06-11, 09:29 PM
I have a project that consists of a slab that is 12" thick and in the center has a countersunk area about 12" below the main slab. I have beams running across the areas where the elevation transition occurs and of course these transitions are not perpendicular to the beams themselves. My problem is that the beams that support the upper slab are monolithic and joined, but the lower slab when joined to the beams are not subtracting the upper portion of the beam, only the portion that physically crosses the slab (which is a correct function).

I tried a stepped slab but couldnt get it to work properly (or user error) and I have tried to create a beam with a solid void but cannot get it correct so that I can have one beam family for all of these instances, hopefully with parameters defining distance of cut at both ends along with the angle of the cut.

Any ideas. I have attached pics for info.
Stepped Beam Project= a look at what I am getting
Stepped Beam= a look at what I want

Thanx ahead of time.

2008-06-12, 01:15 PM
You have two choices here really, you can create a new beam family with adjustable void through the paramaters (I think this is complicating things more than required)

Or you can just use two beams with a z offset at the step, the only problems with this is 1, you have two separate beams the manage & 2, you have the ensure that the join is correct for the angled slab step (which is acheiveable)

I would go for two separate beams

Andre Carvalho
2008-06-12, 01:26 PM
And if you want follow the two different beams method, don't forget you can use the Split tool to split the beam that's already there rather than creating a new one.

Andre Carvalho

2008-06-12, 01:39 PM
I like the idea about an adjustable void but I am not sure how to achieve that. I did the seperate beams for now but I need a single beam. The 2 are showing in my schedule plus my prj man wants a single beam. We all know that it can be done, its just how!

2008-06-12, 02:39 PM
It wont be a simple family, as a starter hint, you will need to make sure the void form is in plan so that you can control the angle of the edges

The just constrain to reference planes and add the relevant parameters for the extents of the void

If you are still having problems post here and I am sure someone can help you out

2008-06-12, 07:11 PM
Couldn't you simply change the beam to a lower profile that does not go above the top of the lower slab? Or do you need a step at the bottom of the beam as well?

2008-06-13, 05:29 PM
YAY!!!!! I got it to work. Here it is for anyones use.

Per the last comment, we did that for our first submittal but we wanted to model it exactly as it will be built. That idea works and you get the same look in the plans but we just wanted to be more accurate. Thanks though!