View Full Version : ProteinMaterialLibrary won't load

2008-06-12, 06:47 PM
I just installed the new version of Revit via the internet. I followed the direction on re-installing the rendering materials, everything has downloaded and installed except the ProteinMaterialLibrary, I got an error message to re-try, I did that and it failed again. Now when I open up Revit it askes again if I want to install missing componets, naturally YES.

It downloads the cabinet, current Step goes to 100% Total Progress almost finishes and then it fails.

I following the instructions on the previous thread, I uninstalled Revit, and go rid of all the the folders that existed, and then proceeded to install the new version, it still won't install the ProtienMaterial Library.

How do I fix this?

2008-06-12, 07:09 PM
I just installed the new version of Revit via the internet. I followed the direction on re-installing the rendering materials, everything has downloaded and installed except the ProteinMaterialLibrary, I got an error message to re-try, I did that and it failed again. Now when I open up Revit it askes again if I want to install missing componets, naturally YES.

It downloads the cabinet, current Step goes to 100% Total Progress almost finishes and then it fails.

I following the instructions on the previous thread, I uninstalled Revit, and go rid of all the the folders that existed, and then proceeded to install the new version, it still won't install the ProtienMaterial Library.

How do I fix this?

Sure would be nice if Autodesk would make all the different content downloads, including Render Materials, available as separate ZIP downloads as well, ideally via mirrored servers. The current approach of depending on Autodesk servers is a really great reason why I would never trust an Autodesk product for Software as a Service. As it is the install process is costing us money, the lack of a true service pack approach costs us money, the need for updated drivers with every new version, and many new builds costs us money, and the inability to download specific revised content without a reinstall costs us money. I hope we are all saving Autodesk a lot of money. Would hate to have all that cash going to waste.


2008-06-12, 07:38 PM
We had the same problem with the first install of 2009, we redid the deploy a number of times, I finally just said skip content install for all my deployments then manually copied the rendering folder from the server to the local C drives and mapped the rendering path under options once it was done copying. I just downloaded WU1 hoping it would resolve this problem, the deploy is finishing up now I will test install and let you know if that works.

2008-06-12, 07:42 PM
I've been downloading a seemingly circular Protein Library since early this AM. I'll have to watch this thread closely.

2008-06-12, 07:48 PM
Where can I download just the ProteinMaterialLibrary.cab? I'll set it up manually too!

2008-06-12, 08:15 PM
Where can I download just the ProteinMaterialLibrary.cab? I'll set it up manually too!

That is the thing, I think the Protein Library and Help files are just rolled into the install and have to come over for every single user. Nasty. In 2008 I would have loved to just skip the help file on install too. It wasn't like they where updating the files, so why make me do a download over the internet for 50 users every time the factory does a bug fix? I would hope that the whole install and bug fix problem can get looked at at some point, but Autodesk just doesn't seem that interested in making our lives any easier.


2008-06-12, 08:23 PM
Anyone know if service requests have been posted?

They seem big on these although I have yet to see any solutions.

2008-06-12, 08:47 PM
Well, the deploy with the install of rendering content only for WU1 did the same thing. So we are back to skipping the content install on the deploy and then just copying the rendering folder from our server to the local. I get the content on the server by doing a standalone install on my machine only, installing all content, i.e. IES, Families, Templates, Rendering and Tutorials, to the server. It took forever by the way. We have a work around for now and our reseller is aware but I don't think a service request has been placed to Autodesk.

2008-06-12, 09:00 PM
The only reason I didn't skip the download was the promise that the render stuff had been greatly improved upon.


Scott D Davis
2008-06-13, 02:32 AM
another checkbox in the install would be nice:

install content: check
install material library: check

2008-06-13, 08:58 AM
Where can I download just the ProteinMaterialLibrary.cab? I'll set it up manually too!

I have looked at the Architecture download site, but no luck with the Protein library. I did find a link available for download at the Revit Structure site though. Available here: http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/index?siteID=123112&id=9262782

I am not sure if these libraries are the same, but be prepared for a hefty download!

2008-06-13, 01:14 PM
Does anyone know what improvements were made to the materials?

2008-06-13, 01:35 PM
I just spent 37% of my monthly download limit trying to install the ProteinMaterialLibrary in the one day!

It seems that the Revit installer cannot resume broken downloads and as soon as there is a break in the download, the installer thinks that it has finished downloading the file and then tries to install the content. It then discovers the error and then prompts you to "Retry"...

I am now trying to download the file separately using a download manager (Flashget) which will not corrupt the 700 odd meg download if there is a break in the file transfer.

I will then manually add / install the files after download.

Still not sure though whether the library is the same for Revit Architecture as well as Structure though? I presume it is.

2008-06-13, 02:07 PM
I just finished re-installing Revit for the third time - (that must be the charm)
What I did this time -
I removed Revit via Windows Add - Remove Programs
I deleted the Revit 2009 Files
I re-booted the system
I double checked that all of Revit Directories were in fact gone
I went to the web to install Revit 2009
Went thru the procedures - It still reported that Revit 2009 was still there (I checked and it was the installion files were already in the Revit 2009 directory)
finshed the install
Opened the program and I am now out of the loop!

Now 6 1/2 hours later.. I can get back to work!

Does anyone know what improvements were made to the Material Library? (just to eaze that pain of this installation, was it really worth it?)

2008-06-14, 03:37 AM
I wonder why the developers didn't include an option to select from where you want to install the content from? Your only default option is to install from the web library. And if you try to cancel out of the current content install, the installer then skips you out of all the other content installations as well.

A simple option to "Browse" your computer for the required content installation would make thigs so much easier when upgrading or installing!

2008-06-14, 04:35 AM
I wonder why the developers didn't include an option to select from where you want to install the content from? Your only default option is to install from the web library. And if you try to cancel out of the current content install, the installer then skips you out of all the other content installations as well.

A simple option to "Browse" your computer for the required content installation would make thigs so much easier when upgrading or installing!

Or have the installer compare what I have to what is on the web and download the different ones. I am SURE Autodesk didn't change every single material, so why do I need to download the whole package again? Three hours download for maybe 3% of the files changed? Rather silly.


2008-08-14, 09:33 AM
Hi all

I only had problems with the rendering folder and ProteinMaterialLibrary.cab file.

Try to go to the following folder on your network deployment loacation:
\AdminImage\RevitSetup\RevitStructureSeries\program files\Revit Structure 2009 (AutoCAD Suite)\program

Her you will se a file: Revit.ini and a file called Content.rcl

In the Revit.ini file under [Directories] I added the following:
MaterialLibraryFiles=\\*Your Network path*\Content\Rendering

and under [ContentInstalled] sektion I added:
ProteinMaterialLibrary.cab=\\*Your Network path*\Content\Rendering\

Open the Content.rcl file in notepad and add the following:

name=Material Library
description=Material Library for Rendering
fullpath=\\*Your Network path*\AdminImage\ContentAll\ProteinMaterialLibrary.cab
downloadpath=\\*Your Network path*\AdminImage\ContentAll\ProteinMaterialLibrary.cab

This made it work for me so I hope it will help you ... If you don get it to work try and email me and I will help you if I can.

PS: the ProteinMaterialLibrary.cab file has to be placed in the \\*Your Network path*\AdminImage\ContentAll\ProteinMaterialLibrary.cab... or what ever you call your content folder

2008-08-15, 07:37 AM
C'mon Autodesk, please make this available as a separate download, I've blown 6 GB trying to download this thing, followed all the instructions about deleting folders, stood on 1 foot and rubbed my stomach and head at the same time, still didn't work.


2008-08-30, 03:37 PM
C'mon Autodesk, . .I've blown 6 GB trying to download this thing, followed all the instructions about deleting folders, stood on 1 foot and rubbed my stomach and head at the same time, still didn't work.


How did you make out with this, Kim? I downloaded Revit two nights ago, starting after midnight to avoid the hit on our bandwidth limit. Yesterday morning I was not delighted to discover that there was still much much more downloading that the installation wanted to do, so I went ahead and permitted it. Now, when it wanted to download the same near-GB sized files over and over I really felt like my good nature was being taken advantage of.

Well, this forum gave me the clues I needed, and it seems the network guys got it figured out for us. After using Mozilla to download the ProteinMaterialLibrary here (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/item?siteID=123112&id=11641664) and saving it to c:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2009\Data\Rendering, I followed mpk's path and looked at the Revit.ini and Content.rcl files in my c:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2009\Program folder. The Revit.ini was already as mpk said it should be so I left it alone. After a little experimentation with the last two lines in Content.rcl the install figured out how to do its work locally and stop going to the net to start downloading again. In my case, the lines needed to read:

fullpath=c:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2009\Data\Rendering\ProteinMaterialLibrary.cab
downloadpath=c:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2009\Data\Rendering\ProteinMaterialLibrary.cab

This is what worked in my case. After making these changes I started Revit again and it extracted the .cab, filed its contents, and has been happy ever since. I'm happy, too, for finding this forum and all of the help it represents. Thanks, folks!

2008-08-31, 03:01 AM
How did you make out with this, Kim?

Thanks David, I'd just ignored the problem, your post jogged my memory, I followed the instructions of you and mpk and it worked.


2008-08-31, 03:13 AM
it worked.

I am so glad, for both of us! 8)