View Full Version : An Interesting Search Return

2004-09-15, 03:38 AM
Hey Revit gang, I was doing a very unrelated search
and happened across what appears to be a very useful
document on the web.
I am not a Revit user, however I could see this being a
handy document to save to ones E-Books folder.

Cool Revit Doc (http://www.c-agency.cz/data/files/Curriculum%20AutodeskRevit.pdf)

I might miss my bed-time reading it.

2004-09-15, 04:47 AM
Thanks for that Michael.
I hadn't seen it before.
It looks like a good primer for anyone thinking of moving from a 2D cad base to 3D / BIM.

2004-09-16, 04:04 AM
I skimmed through the pages and this section from Unit 18 caught my attention:

Rationalization and Construction in School

Suffice it to say that whatever benefit Autodesk Revit offers in the design rationalization and construction phases of a project is lost on students. It’s not that they don’t understand or appreciate it; it’s just that they don’t really care. Nobody is asking them to make schedules or construction documents. Occasionally they produce details and callouts, but not usually.

Much of the power of a unified building model comes to the fore when dealing with a design team and an environment that deals with real-time frames, budgets, and actual building components. What does a student really care whether a window is custom or off-the-shelf? Who’s paying for it? Why not clad in titanium?

This speaks to the problem of getting Revit into architectural education.

I dug deeper - apparently these are course notes from Simon Greenwold's "Model-Based Design" course at Yale University. There's more at http://acg.media.mit.edu/people/simong/. Thanks, Simon!


2004-09-16, 04:11 AM
Thank you AJ,

Interesting thing about the original document having an
AutoDESK logo on it. Thanks for adding to the pool.
Just when I thought I could go to sleep, there's more
to read about Revit. :beer:

2004-09-16, 05:06 AM
Cool stuff Mike, A.J.,

Thank You