View Full Version : block drag-and-drop units ?

2004-09-15, 09:16 AM
Greetings Masters, Gurus and Wizards of the AutoCAD VBA Realm,

version: AutoCAD 2005

Where is the "drag-and-drop units" property of a block in VBA? I have a suspision that it's in some hidden place like XData, or a dictionary or maybe only even accessible via LISP. Then again, I may just be getting old and missed it :-) ...

GREATLY appreciated....

Your humble apprentice in electronic magic,


2004-09-17, 08:15 AM
Just to shed a bit more light on the subject. I am referring to the "drag-and-drop units" property of the Block command and the "Insert Units" property of the WBlock command. I am trying to locate this property of a block definition in VBA.



2004-09-18, 11:40 PM

It is stored in XData on the block definition, under the ACAD AppName,
DesignCenter Data, the 2nd 1070 group code.

2004-09-21, 08:31 AM
Thanks Robert... found, done, app written - running smoothly. Used it to manage units of blocks in "Block Library" drawing referenced by blocks in Tool Palette.


2005-11-18, 02:08 PM
Easier than setting the XData - if creating a block, you can do this...

Dim Blk1 as IACADBlock3

Units is a property of this block object, just set it when you create the block

2005-11-18, 10:08 PM
Easier than setting the XData - if creating a block, you can do this...

Dim Blk1 as IACADBlock3

Units is a property of this block object, just set it when you create the blockSo hard to keep up with the object model. sigh