View Full Version : RAC 2009 keeps "highlighting" roof above plan

2008-06-15, 10:10 PM
As I'm working on floor plans, my roofs keep "highlighting" even though they're not visible on my plan and aren't turned on as an underlay. If you have an extensive hip roof for instance, it's really annoying and even worse, Revit gives preferential treatment to selecting the roof over objects in my floor plan, so I'm constantly tabbing in order to select stuff.

I think I tracked it down to using the linework tool to create an overhead roof outline (turn roof underlay on, do linework, turn roof underlay off).

Has it always been like this? Any fixes?

Mr Spot
2008-06-16, 03:04 AM
Yes this has always been the case... Annoying I know.

2008-06-16, 08:11 AM
As I'm working on floor plans, my roofs keep "highlighting" even though they're not visible on my plan and aren't turned on as an underlay. If you have an extensive hip roof for instance, it's really annoying and even worse, Revit gives preferential treatment to selecting the roof over objects in my floor plan, so I'm constantly tabbing in order to select stuff.

I think I tracked it down to using the linework tool to create an overhead roof outline (turn roof underlay on, do linework, turn roof underlay off).

Has it always been like this? Any fixes?

I've had this problem too, and I found that if I turn off the surface pattern in "visibility graphics" the issues goes away.

Give it a try. And if you set this in a view template, it's easy to set it for all views of that type.

2008-06-16, 06:31 PM
Works! Thanks!

I've had this problem too, and I found that if I turn off the surface pattern in "visibility graphics" the issues goes away.

2008-06-18, 04:25 AM
I've had this problem too, and I found that if I turn off the surface pattern in "visibility graphics" the issues goes away.

Give it a try. And if you set this in a view template, it's easy to set it for all views of that type.

Has this been mentioned elsewhere before? - if not it gets my vote for tip of the day/week/month.
A very minor but annoying bug - thanks for the simple workaround.

2008-06-23, 11:01 AM
It's nice to be able to help occasionally. I've picked up so much from these groups.