View Full Version : cannot extrude
2008-06-16, 04:14 PM
Here's a strange one.
Yesterday, I could not extrude ANY polyline into a solid when using A2008.
Existing polylines, new polylines in existing drawings, polylines in new drawings - all give the message "cannot extrude that object".
So, I switched to A2009, no problem (except the user interface, but that's another rant) and continued modeling.
Today both A2008 and A2009 are extruding perfectly happily.
No big deal but has anyone any idea why?
2008-06-17, 03:24 PM
Here's a strange one.
Yesterday, I could not extrude ANY polyline into a solid when using A2008.
Existing polylines, new polylines in existing drawings, polylines in new drawings - all give the message "cannot extrude that object".
So, I switched to A2009, no problem (except the user interface, but that's another rant) and continued modeling.
Today both A2008 and A2009 are extruding perfectly happily.
No big deal but has anyone any idea why?
I've had that happen in all of my CAD releases. It's usually because the plines have other lines "hidden" in them. I usually explode the pline, overkill, then rejoin, or just trace over it with the pline command. It usually works for me.
2008-06-17, 07:51 PM
I've had that happen in all of my CAD releases. It's usually because the plines have other lines "hidden" in them. I usually explode the pline, overkill, then rejoin, or just trace over it with the pline command. It usually works for me.
For me too - usually but not this time. strange.
JD Mather
2008-06-18, 12:20 PM
Step 1 Restart AutoCAD and see if behavior persists.
Step 2 Reboot computer and see if behavior persists.
Step 3 Attach file that exhibits behavior here to see if others can reproduce.
Step 4 Assuming behavior persisted through steps 1-3 check for Hotfixes and Service Packs.
Step 4b. (Optional depending on experience level.) re-install AutoCAD.
Step 5 Assuming behavior persisted through steps 1-4, call your VAR.
Problems like this are often solved in Step 1 or 2.
2008-06-19, 11:13 AM
Thanks, but the problem went away of its own accord.
The only difference I can see is that 2008 is setup to use OpenGL whilst 2009 is using direct3d.
Perhaps firing up 2009 changed something in the graphics card/driver combination that fixed whatever was wrong. ~shrug~
2008-06-24, 08:05 PM
Are you sure you were holding your mouth right?
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