View Full Version : Slab Edge not showing under slab

Chad Smith
2008-06-18, 01:16 AM
In the attached file I have a slab edge which is stepped twice, but only one of the steps is showing in plan.
Also, with the step that is actually showing in the plan view, I can't dimension to it.

Anyone come across this. It is making it difficult to do a concrete setout plan. At the moment I am forced to resort to detail lines, which is not very Revit-like :(.

2008-06-18, 04:28 AM
Hi chad
try this it works with me
but still not able to dimesion

Add the following section heading and variable names to the Revit.ini file, if it doesn't exist already:


Possible values for HiddenSlabEdge variable:
"All" - Show all lines from a slab edge
"Itself" - New default behavior, the "Bearing" or lower edges
"Other" - The edge intersecting with the slab, (Beta 1 and 2 Behavior)
"None" - Show no hidden lines for Slab edges (r2008 behavior)

Note that this is not set for the project, but for the session of Revit. That is, if you open a file with a certain variable setting, that will not prevent the project from being displayed differently if opened in a different install with a different setting."


this much for autodesk documentation

Chad Smith
2008-06-18, 06:49 AM
Thanks for the tip, yet another INI goodie.

That last paragraph on Bim and Beam does concern me though. So I don't think I will use it, just so there are no issues with other PC's in the office not having this INI entry.

It's also funny that I can now dimension the newly revealed hidden line, but still can't dimension the existing hidden one.