View Full Version : column not cutting a wall after attaching to a beam

2008-06-19, 09:47 AM
I have a file where a column cuts a wall as to be expected. But after I put a beam above the wall and attach the columns to the beams, the column stops cutting the wall.

take a look at the file there is some descriptive text added.

I also explored a not so nice solution. I edited the column family and I added a masking region on the top of the column. It gives the desired result. but it's not so nice.

another issue
Also I noticed that a column doesn't really cut a wall. I made two short walls in another file and scheduled those walls. when you put in a column you see in the schedule no change in the volumne of the wall.....

2008-06-19, 10:04 AM
You dind't post the attachment.
I never join my structural columns, because they too loose their geometry.

2008-06-23, 01:17 PM
attachment has been added.

columns loosing their geometry can be fixed. it's just a family setting.

2008-07-15, 11:47 AM
attachment has been added.

columns loosing their geometry can be fixed. it's just a family setting.

what seting?What should be the new value for the seting? i need to modify it. i have the same problem.

2008-07-15, 07:08 PM
If it's an architectural column:go to family Category and Parameters there is a setting that says Automatically join geometry. Turn it of and NEW columns will not be automatically joined. Structural columns don't seem to have that option.

Tim Rief
2012-12-11, 07:29 PM
I see this thread is much older, but some current employees have stumbled on this thread for support.

So I wanted to add my solution to this fix:

The column family itself is the issue with the walls, Simply Create another Void extrusion that is attached to the top of the column,
Then make the void NOT-CUT the column itself. So you have to select Remove Cut geometry from the option under cut.
This will create a void that will cut any solid inside the Columns.

Then simply load the family, then choose cut then select the walls then the columns... Done

2015-12-23, 11:29 PM
I tried doing this, but for some reason it doesn't work. I've created the void in the column family, attached it to the top and bottom of the column, and then select un-cut. However, when I load it into my model, I can't cut it out from the wall.