View Full Version : Same Offsets, Different Height windows

2008-06-19, 02:20 PM
I have a window family placed many times with identical "offset" values, and yet they do not align (see image). They should all be set 5'-1" AFF (dimensions this way in section) but I have to set some to a value of 5'-6" to sit in the right location.

This is particularly wierd beacuse even copying one window does not mean they will exhibit idential behavior.


2008-06-19, 02:37 PM
Did you create an instance parameter for offset above the floor? If so, this is probably where your problem is. Windows already have a Sill Height instance parameter built in. Can you post the family for us to look at it?

Rick Houle
2008-06-19, 07:44 PM
I have had this problem in past when a user manipulated the cut void in the window family.
He placed a sill in the family and stretched the void to accommodate - then the window figured the bottom of the void was the sill height, even though all other parameters held their bearings. He ended up shifting all windows the distance of the sill.

Maybe this helps (?)

2008-06-27, 02:40 PM
Thanks for the post, this is good to watch out for also, but I'm curious if this problem caused some windows to be at one height, and some instances of the same family/type to be at a different height? It sounds like the situation you describe:
He ended up shifting all windows the distance of the sill. resulted in a consistant (albeit wrong) window height.

Good question. I am not using a separate instance parameter for offset from floor, just the built-in "offset" parameter. Interestingly, the default "sill height" is not showing up in my window, even though the family is in the windows catagory. I should note that this family started as a generic model and that it is not cutting the wall itself (it just sits inside existing M.O.s so that the phasing works properly.)

Family is attached, all help appreciated.

Scott Womack
2008-06-27, 03:21 PM
Thanks for the post, this is good to watch out for also, but I'm curious if this problem caused some windows to be at one height, and some instances of the same family/type to be at a different height? It sounds like the situation you describe: resulted in a consistant (albeit wrong) window height.

Good question. I am not using a separate instance parameter for offset from floor, just the built-in "offset" parameter. Interestingly, the default "sill height" is not showing up in my window, even though the family is in the windows catagory. I should note that this family started as a generic model and that it is not cutting the wall itself (it just sits inside existing M.O.s so that the phasing works properly.)

Family is attached, all help appreciated.

When you start families as different types of families than their final intention, and change them to the final type, making that change does not add the intelligence that was inherent to the intended type of family. Starting as a generic family, and changing it to a Window family is possible, but it does not add the opening object that is in the Window template to what you have created in the Generic family. It does not even provide the ability to add it manually. You'll have to add a void, with its edges locked to edges of the window, and set the void to cut the wall.

2008-06-27, 03:43 PM

Thanks for the fast reply. I actually did the family this way very delibeately because it does NOT include a void, does not cut a wall and is not hosted to anything. Because our project is phased we create M.O. and then just set a family that looks like a window into that opening. That way when it's time to demo we can take out the window, and leave the opening. If we want to set a new window in we can, but in some cases those openings become doors etc, so this system gives us flexibility.

Irregardless of all that, if this were just any generic model, why would two instances of the same type with the same offset dimension it be at different elevations above the same ref level?


Scott Womack
2008-06-27, 05:09 PM

Thanks for the fast reply. I actually did the family this way very delibeately because it does NOT include a void, does not cut a wall and is not hosted to anything. Because our project is phased we create M.O. and then just set a family that looks like a window into that opening. That way when it's time to demo we can take out the window, and leave the opening. If we want to set a new window in we can, but in some cases those openings become doors etc, so this system gives us flexibility.

Irregardless of all that, if this were just any generic model, why would two instances of the same type with the same offset dimension it be at different elevations above the same ref level?


I have had users unintentionally grad a window in a section or elevation, and move it up or down from its original floor level. This physically moves the window, but does not necessarily change the sill height parameter. It would only change if it is floor hosted.