View Full Version : Documenting a 3D Family

2008-06-19, 03:20 PM
Okay, in my project I've got many custom families that need to be documented in various details, such as millwork, concrete bollards, handrails.

I typically document these at larger scales such as 1 1/2" = 1' or 3" = 1'.

Now these are 3D families, not detail families. Is there a way I can create a documentation view of just that family to annotate and dimension, then insert on a sheet?

Currently, my stop-gap is to cut a section, elevation, or plan view, and turn everything else off in that view. That has all kinds of associated difficulties... such as throwing unwanted section and call out tags in all my views... but it works.

Is there a way to set up a view of just an individual 3D family component, in the same way as you can 2D detail components?

2008-06-19, 05:19 PM
One method:

On a plan view, place a callout view around the Item(s) you want to create a 3D view.

Then go to a 3D view of the project, and select "View/Orient/To Other View" and from the dropdown list, select your callout view.

Duplicate the view, and rename it to whatever.

In View/Visiblity, turn off any stuff you don't want to see (including the section box), and orbit the view to where you want.

Then go to "View/Orient/Save View", and then start annotating

If you inadvertently re-orbit the view, just save and shutdown your session and reopen the project. The view will re-orientate to it's saved setting.

2008-06-19, 06:27 PM
I appologize for the confusion. I used the wrong terminology.

I'm not actually wanting a 3D view. I said 3D, but meant "model." I should have said "model" family, as opposed to "detail" family. I have several model families that I need to detail in 2D enlargements.

Detail families you can set up as detail views. But model families you cannot. I have to duplicated views, and turn off the items I don't need. Litterally cutting them out of the project, rather than using them directly. This creates the problem of reference tags appearing throught my project that I don't want.

I essentially want to be able to drag an individual model family onto a sheet or a view and annotate it. You can do it with detail components, can it be done with model components?

2008-06-19, 07:17 PM
You can use a legend view for each object.

Create a legend view. From the project browser, drag the family member onto the view.

Highlight it, and then select what view you want above, floor plan, elevation, etc.


2008-06-19, 07:20 PM
Thanks, I gave that a try and it worked partially. I tried it with a concrete bollard, and it gave me a plan view. Is there a way I can get an elevation view as well?

2008-06-19, 07:31 PM

Highlight the family on the view, and look above. There's a drop-down box for selecting the view.

2008-06-19, 07:34 PM
Ah! Yes! Thank you very much. That works perfectly.