View Full Version : Version save error

2008-06-19, 11:03 PM
So our office converted to 2009 about 2 weeks ago, and everything has been going smoothly, for the most part; all the older version central files have been converted to 2009, and everyone has made new local files, etc, etc...
Today, however, one of our central files became incompatible (so it says) after it had been operating just fine for those two weeks. I say incompatible b/c when I tried to save to central, it stalled out on me - popup box stating that someone else is accessing the central, can't save right now; so i cancel out of that box, and another popup appears, this time saying "The file you are attempting to save to Central is not compatible with the Central File because of prior upgrade to new version of Revit or because the Central File was substituted with an unrelated file with the same name."

Now, there are only 3 people on this project, we all are using 2009, and no one has messed with the central file...
Any thoughts??

Rick Houle
2008-06-20, 12:45 AM
all three of you deleted your old local copies AS WELL AS the accompanying Backup folders.???

I would do a Detach - SaveAs - delete all locals and all backup folders again, and run with a new name... We often increment our central files for clean breaks from the previous archive.