View Full Version : Join geo'd walls buried... and lost

Wes Macaulay
2008-06-21, 02:30 PM
Just by accident this am did I find some furring walls over concrete which, because I had joined geometries between them and the concrete walls and then moved the concrete walls, burying the furring wall completely in the concrete walls. And of course the furring walls disappeared while I was moving the wall in another view.

I only found them when a "wall cannot be joined" error dialog showed me the location of the wall so I could delete it. Otherwise I would have forgotten about it. I wish Revit would trap these sorts of errors.

Rick Houle
2008-06-22, 01:34 PM
OOH, Revit does not like that stuff... i wish there was a way to prevent.

In 2008, we were able to reproduce a problem created after the "vanishing wall" vanishes via join... (I have not tried yet in 2009).
When this issue occurs, we found that Revit would have problems hosting objects THROUGHOUT the model in walls that were parallel (and in the projected path) to the trouble item. Not easy to explain...

I just reproduced it in 2008, see attached. This is a good one to be aware of...
I am going to try the same in 2009 now.

Rick Houle
2008-06-22, 01:40 PM
When upgrading my test file, 2009 notified me of the buried wall "entirely inside another wall"... and the hosting problem is no longer an issue... (i had the option to unjoin the buried wall, and i probably will next time i hear that message)

Okay, chalk one more up for 09..!