View Full Version : problems with revit 2009 .....

2008-06-23, 06:18 PM
So I've just gotten my hands on revit 2009 , loaded it on two computers and had the same problem.
It says it can't find custom.dic .. I initially thought this was just one of the spellcheck files, but another problem I've run into is that none of the shortcuts work..? not just the customized ones, but even the stock revit ones .. clearly I've got to look more into this,

but has anyone else encountered this yet ?

2008-06-24, 04:04 PM
i have nothing to offer you but a similar problem. i've tried editing my 2009 keyboard shortcuts, but none of my edits are loading into the program. the default shortcuts seem to be working fine, but none of the customs. maybe a program glitch?

2008-06-24, 06:05 PM
So I've just gotten my hands on revit 2009 , loaded it on two computers and had the same problem.
It says it can't find custom.dic .. I initially thought this was just one of the spellcheck files, but another problem I've run into is that none of the shortcuts work..? not just the customized ones, but even the stock revit ones .. clearly I've got to look more into this,

but has anyone else encountered this yet ?

It might be helpful to know what OS this is? XP Sp2? Sp3? Vista? 32 bit or 64 bit?


2008-07-17, 04:34 PM
Sorry for the late reply.

we've got win xp with (32bit) SP3 .

We solved the problem . New security measures had been installed on our server which had stopped a whole bunch of files from loading. the custom dicitonary file was just the tip of the iceberg.

I dont' have a list of the files and specific permisions that had to be given for R2009 to work, but now everything is running smoothly .

Learning new things everyday !

2008-07-17, 05:07 PM
I've been hearing of problems with SP3. Wonder if that has anything to do with it?

2008-07-18, 03:44 PM
My first guess would be no/maybe.

I feel it was that permissions to load files on drives was too locked down on our systems.

I've found that unless I'm logged on as the ADMIN with permissions for all directories, that software doesn't load well at all. We loaded 3DS max and it wreaked havoc on my computer. but after i rolled back the software and reloaded it as an Admin, it went flawlessly.

I can talk to our IT guy and make a list of the files and directories that we had to allow permissions with.

Scott Womack
2008-07-18, 04:11 PM
My first guess would be no/maybe.

I feel it was that permissions to load files on drives was too locked down on our systems.

I've found that unless I'm logged on as the ADMIN with permissions for all directories, that software doesn't load well at all. We loaded 3DS max and it wreaked havoc on my computer. but after i rolled back the software and reloaded it as an Admin, it went flawlessly.

I can talk to our IT guy and make a list of the files and directories that we had to allow permissions with.

I believe I remember reading somewhere that Revit must be installed as an admin as well as MAX.