View Full Version : Schedules - Filter by Family and/or Type

2008-06-24, 03:48 PM
Why oh why can I not filter by family and type in a schedule?
I'm trying to do a material take-off schedule across multiple categories. I just want floors, ceilings, walls and roofs. And the multi-category schedule gives me everything. So I go to filter out but cannot!!!

Every time I think Revit is great (getting all the materials in one schedule) along comes a stupid limitation that prevents from getting all way where I need to be and makes me want to bash my head against a brick wall - that or throw the whole darn computer out the window.

Since I'm working with a project that has linked files, I can't seem to add a project parameter to only the categories I want and filter out that way...

Does anyone have a good, fairly simple method for filtering out to get only the information I need?

Thanks in advance!

2008-06-24, 05:52 PM
You could add something like "Takeoff" to the Type Comments field and filter that way. But you would have to put that same word in for type comments for every family type that you're trying to schedule.

If you change your schedule to NOT itemize every instance, then you could probably do that fairly easily within the schedule. Then change it back to itemize every instance and you would be left with only those family instances containing that type comment.

2008-06-24, 06:24 PM
Unfortunately though, it seems like Type Comments will not work for families or walls that are in linked projects. So I'd have to go in to every linked file and do the same thing for each category.

It'd be so much easier if we could just filter by family and/or type as well.

What we're doing instead is sorting and grouping by category the whole schedule, export to excel and filter out what we don't need there. Not live but at least we can hide what we don't want...

It's just frustrating that Revit can do so much but then becomes limited so severely by one thing it cannot do, for no apparent reason... I'm sure there is a reason we can't filter by family, type or whatever but I can't fathom what that reason is.

2008-07-29, 03:33 PM
I agree...not being able to filter a schedule on the type is retarded. We can filter on pretty much everything else....Factory, please add this to a build soon!!!

2008-07-29, 03:59 PM
Have you tried using a shared parameter, loading it into the linked files and the main file, adding it to all the relevant element categories, then using that to filter by?

2008-07-29, 05:32 PM
I agree, this is a terrible limitation. I will post this on the wish list, please go vote for it!

2008-10-22, 04:30 PM
Filter by assembly code.

Scott Womack
2008-10-22, 04:52 PM
Why oh why can I not filter by family and type in a schedule?
I'm trying to do a material take-off schedule across multiple categories. I just want floors, ceilings, walls and roofs. And the multi-category schedule gives me everything. So I go to filter out but cannot!!!

A Muli-Catagory schedule does not show system based families. A Material take-off schedule would allow you to create a separate schedule for each of the categories you want, but you cannot filter by family, because a material take-off schedule is not doing it by family, but by the materials under Settings/Materials. therefor it is not counting families., but only looking at areas.

Chad Smith
2009-05-27, 11:41 PM
Wow :shock: I just came across this one. And considering it goes back as far as 2005 (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=23704), I'm suprised that nothing has been done to fix this.

2009-05-27, 11:59 PM
Well... they're on to bigger and better things, like improving UI... don't pester them with those little wish list items!

Chad Smith
2009-05-28, 12:03 AM
Yeah, the new UI is supposed to help with future expandability of Revit. But I say to Autodesk, finish what you started before introducing more unfinished tools.

2009-05-28, 12:04 AM
That was a joke, by the way. With the environment we have now, it's easy to take it wrong.

I've been watching issues like this ignored for 4 years now, and I'm starting to really get steamed about it.

2010-08-04, 01:58 PM
A Muli-Catagory schedule does not show system based families.

It's slightly on a tangent to the original topic, but I find this to be a huge problem. System based families need some sort of refinement for the future. For one, you can't assign an omniclass number to a system family. Why? Not sure. I am pretty sure that omniclass is going to be utilized a lot more in the near future for quantity surveying througout the AEC industry. Second, if I were to do a simple schedule showing all families and types with assembly code "C", for instance, then I would most likely not see any of the system walls, ceilings, etc... Lastly, not being able to filter a family or type seems banal as well. Their is an extensive amount of information that revit can take in. Why then are there firewalls placed on certain functions which are critical to the process?

End of rant.