View Full Version : Mass Tag Schedule

2008-06-24, 04:35 PM
i am having a few issues with scheduling a Mass Tag. I know that this is possible, but the schedule does not come out the way i would like for it to. Based on the plan i currently have, I am able to copy a Mass to get separate Gross Floor Area tagged to the same Mass, but I cannot make this add up/ show as one calculated figure in the schedule. Is this possible to achieve?

the attached "Mass Plan.jpeg" is what i have currently with "Mass 1" and "Mass 2" being copied masses.
on schedule it shows up as the attached "Mass Schedule - now.jpeg".
but i want it to show up as the "Mass Schedule - ideal.jpeg".

is it possible to filter or sort/group the schedule in a way that it would do this?

i hope my question is clear...

Andre Carvalho
2008-06-24, 05:15 PM
Try not checking "Itemize every instance" under the Schedule Properties dialog box.

Andre Carvalho