View Full Version : ACAD 2007 crashing before opening another file

2008-06-24, 08:20 PM
Hello all.

We're having a non-consistent error (it doesn't happen all the time) where a File | Open from within AutoCAD 2007 would generate a rapidly-flickering message "Preview Control Error #2" that would "fight" with the main AutoCAD window until we close it. This error happens even when we try to launch an AutoCAD drawing from Windows Explorer. We would always have an open drawing in AutoCAD and want to open another one.

Anyone else experiencing this? Any direction would be greatly appreciated!

2008-06-24, 09:38 PM
Sounds like a case for a repair.
Put your acad cd/dvd in the drive, go to Control Panel; Add/remove programs, pick acad and pick the Repair option from the install menu.

2008-06-25, 06:59 PM
Thanks for the suggestion - Unfortunately, we tried the repair and the error still occurs. We've already also tried to uninstall and reinstall. No help. aaaargh.

2008-06-26, 03:43 PM
I had something similar to this happen after installing AC2007's SP2 last year. Try re-install after you've uninstalled and deletedt the Program Files\AutoCAD 2007 as well as Documents and Setings\Username\Application Data\AutoDesk\.....\AutoCAD 2007 and any registry keys regarding AutoCAD (otherwise you'll still end up with some of SP2 in there somewhere).

Then after install just install SP1. It didn't happen on all PCs but for those where this occurred the above fixed the problem.