View Full Version : Revit 7 Release Date

Mr Spot
2004-09-16, 10:28 PM
We have just been given a release date for 7.0 and quick overview of what's new. Sounds exciting. Also got some info on 7.1 and 8.0 sounds awesome. I'm not sure if i should tell anyone the release date though as i think they told me in confidence.

I can say that their are substantial improvements in the structural department and groups... :)

2004-09-16, 10:43 PM

Chad Smith
2004-09-17, 01:55 AM
Sounds like something similar to what a few of us Brisbane folk went to recently (you know what I'm talking about Beegee ;-)), where we got a preview for what was planned for releases 7 to 9, but we didn't get a release date for 7.0. :(
Oh well, I love surprises.

2004-09-17, 03:28 AM
My guess is that it will be released on the 22nd. But, I'd hate to speculate on the month or year.

Wes Macaulay
2004-09-17, 04:04 AM
I don't get it guys. How do you get this insider information? Did you boost the blood alcohol content of one of the developers over dinner and then go for the goods?

While the new features are exciting to think about, here's the other things that are interesting about this conversation:

it shows that there's direction within the team and a vision for new features for Revit
it shows that they have some idea of how long it's going to take to program these features in
it shows that the implementation of these features are on a sequence and schedule
Which makes you wonder what their REAL blue-sky plans for Revit are... and THAT is very exciting.

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-09-17, 04:46 AM
Which makes you wonder what their REAL blue-sky plans for Revit are... and THAT is very exciting.
World domination Wes... isn't that what you've always said is the ultimate goal for Autodesk?;-)

We have the best CAD package bar none. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

Mr Spot
2004-09-17, 05:47 AM
Us Brisbane folk always seem to be up with the latest...

2004-09-17, 05:53 AM
All Your Base Are Belong To Us (http://www.allyourbasearebelongtous.com/)


2004-09-17, 06:18 AM
Us Brisbane folk always seem to be up with the latest... Too bad youz guyz can't play Rugby...(Evil Steve lashes out again...twice in two weeks now...) nyaah...

2004-09-17, 06:22 AM
..(Evil Steve lashes out again...twice in two weeks now...) nyaah...
... but who's counting ...

2004-09-17, 10:58 PM
Us Brisbane folk always seem to be up with the latest..."up with the latest". Brisbane? Isn't that downunder?

2004-09-19, 09:43 AM
and did you notice that Brisbane isn't even available under the list of cities in Accurender? It's one of Sydney's northern suburbs......
The other Wes

2004-09-19, 09:47 AM
... but before I get into too much trouble for that last...
drop this into your 'ar3redist>UnicodeENU' folder

Wes Macaulay
2004-09-19, 03:29 PM
World domination Wes... isn't that what you've always said is the ultimate goal for Autodesk?;-)

We have the best CAD package bar none. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.Ok. Now you're frightening me. Didn't I always say competition was good? Go, ArchiCAD, go?!

Mr Spot
2004-09-19, 10:27 PM
Hey Wesley,

What happened to arranging to meet up whilst you were up in Brisvegas?
