View Full Version : "Unconnected" wall opening

2008-07-04, 09:26 AM
The Wall Opening tool bugs me. My project has not settled on a definite level yet, but I have to model quite a bit before it does. The building includes lots of rectangular openings in walls. Therefore, I'd like to create the openings so that the only reference the floor they 'sit' on.

However, the Opening does not allow me to select the Unconnected option in the Top Constraint. If I set the Top constraint to the same as the Base Constraint, then Revit creates an opening of the Unconnected Height I want, except pushes it roughly halfway down, so it pokes out into the floor below. If I set the Top Offset to the height of the opening I want, then I get the correct head height, but there's still a chunk of Opening on the level below.

I can't create an 'empty' door family, as there are wall join conditions that mean my Opening goes through more walls that I want it to.

All I want is an Unconnected Top Constraint for my Wall Opening, it's not too much to ask :(

2008-07-04, 09:45 AM

Ah, I have found that dragging the bottom end of the opening up to the desired level results in an Opening with Top Offset 2060mm, Base Offset 0mm, Unconnected Height 2060mm and both Base and Top Constraints at the same level. Bit of a pain to do though.