View Full Version : Linked Revit Files concerns over warning given...

2008-07-04, 07:16 PM
We are doing some renovation projects within the same building different projects, but work adjacent to each other... I decided to link the Revit model of the project originally started and share a good portion of resources from the first job... not to mention having the two jobs actively revising along side each other would be wise...

So far I have only linked one way... I am fear full of the circular reference issues when I try to reference the other into the first... Are there issues with that?

This is not my initial reason for this thread...

My main reason is a warning I am getting...

"Link file File "____-Central.rvt cannot be saved because it has changes in more than just shared coordinates and therefore can invalidate Local Files owned by you."

Any idea why I am getting this... I started to get it once I started to reference the first Revit file for model appearance within each view... This again was very useful with both projects being very similar in nature...

Any ideas or comments would be very useful on this... Thanks...

Andre Carvalho
2008-07-04, 07:54 PM
Are you linking the central file or the local copy of a central file?
Anyway, I think your answer is on this thread:



Andre Carvalho