View Full Version : My Stair Hell.

Paul P.
2004-09-17, 10:09 AM
Can somebody please help me as this is driving me mad. :banghead: I am trying to make the attached stair but to no avail, I've done the tutorials, looked at the Stair crib sheet but I cant understand what I am doing wrong. And I know it will be so obvious. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Regards, frustrated Paul.

2004-09-19, 12:34 AM

you may find some graphics in this (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=7901) thread. When I have to do 3 winder type staircase, say like your type SLB1W37N or SLB4W3N I create the "run of stairs" with the RUN command of stairs, then draw in the winders using the RISER command.


Paul P.
2004-09-20, 08:54 AM
Thanks blad's, managed to get the stair sorted its just the strings and balusters I need to get to work properly.