View Full Version : Timeliner Simulation

2008-07-07, 06:47 PM
Does anyone know how to show a SIMULATION of the planned schedule (baseline) next to an updated schedule (with actuals and progress) in Timeliner?

2008-07-07, 07:31 PM
I came here to write the same question :)

I defined the schedule in MSP. In addition to "start" and "finish" that are defined in MSP, I added "Baseline deliverable start" and Baseline Deliverable finish" and specified baseline start/finish dates and actual start/finish dates.
then, in navisworks, I defined the link in timeliner and defined

start date import field: start
end date import field: finish
planned start: baseline start
planned end: baseline finish

but in "tasks" tab it only shows "start" and "end" dates while "planned start" and "planned end" fields are empty (and when you define a link it does not allow you to manually define planned start/end dates)

I need help as well.

2008-07-07, 08:18 PM
In the task pane the planned start and finish dates are there you just have to expand the column. What I'm going to try, in regards to simulating the two schedules next to each other, is I'm going to create an animation from the baseline schedule then update the schedule and synchronize the updated schedule. Then in the Simulate - Settings window I'll check the Interact with Currnet Animation box. As well, I think I might have to split the screen under View tab Split Vertical I'll let you know if it works.

2008-07-08, 04:46 PM
Thanks Thony
but I have seen it. the problem I have is that I can not define "planned start" and "planned end" by using link i.e. when i define a link to MSP, it only imports "start" and "end" but not "planned start" and "planned end". I tried to define "planned start" and "planned end" when defining the link or after that by modifying the link, but it did not work. do you have any idea how can I do it? i.e. how can I define "planned start" and "planned end" using a link from MSP?


2008-07-09, 06:19 PM
I defined it as Baseline Start and Baseline Finish just as you did and it seemed to work for me. Make sure you have saved the Baseline schedule in MSP under Tools -> Tracking -> Save Baseline.

2008-07-09, 08:13 PM
Below is the response I received from the Navisworks online support:

Dear Anthony,

NavisWorks does not allow you to run multiple animations side-by-side. However, you should be able to change the view setting to
"Actual (Planned Differences)", "Planned (Actual Differences)", or "Actual against Planned" to display the differences between the actual start/end dates and planned start/end dates. This is described here:

You can change the appearances of early/late starts and finishes in the configure tab. This is described here:

If you still wish to display two animations that display planned and actual dates side-by-side, this can only be done by exporting the animation File > Export Animation and then viewing them side by side in another application.

Best Regards,

Autodesk Support Team