View Full Version : Ghost boundaries in Revit 2009 Area Plans

2008-07-08, 03:43 PM
Our area plan is showing the area boundary correctly, however the area that is being calculated and shaded within the boundary is snapping to some undetectable boundary which cannot be selected. All worksets are turned on and editable. We even isolated the boundary lines and drew the exact boundary we wanted but the area still snapped to some other unseen boundary. This problem occurred after our recent upgrade from Revit 2008 to Revit 2009.0.0. I am wondering if this might be model specific, since two of our other models that were upgraded did not encounter this problem. We also have attempted to erase the boundary lines and redraw them using the pencil tool and this does not fix the problem. Any ideas as to what our areas could be snapping? Has anyone encountered anything similar?

2008-07-08, 04:42 PM
upload an image of your area plan, including the shaded area, boundaries, and then the delta in the actual vs. revit-calc'd area tabulation.

2008-07-08, 09:33 PM
We had another area plan which had been drawn earlier and forgotten about. Our areas were snapping to the older boundaries because they had never been deleted. Duplicate boundaries were the culprit.