View Full Version : Graphics overide in 2009

2008-07-09, 03:54 PM
I'm trying to display different elements of Structural framing with different colours. I want to be able to quickly and easily see what is a girder and what is a joist for example.

I go to Visibility/Graphics overide and under Structural Framing change the Girder surface and cut line to blue. Nothing happens. Change the line in Structural Framing and all the elements change, defeating the object.

I have confirmed that the Structural Usage in Element properties is set to Girder.

Any ideas?

Andre Carvalho
2008-07-09, 04:09 PM
Have you noticed that if you change the view detail to coarse, then the overrides to the Girder will apply? It doesn't solve the problem, but I'm just trying to find more evidence of where the solution is...

Andre Carvalho

Scott Womack
2008-07-09, 04:51 PM
Have you tried using a view filter? I do not know if those parameters are available, but if they are, that would be the most effective way to change the colors.

2008-07-09, 05:26 PM
I've never played with structural girders, but I did notice something odd with structural columns.

The surface pattern / cut pattern / etc. are controlled by the material parameter, which is not affected by view visibility / graphics overrides.

For example, if I want my cut structural columns to read as black solid fill, the Visibility / Graphics dialogue box does not affect it. I have to update the concrete material to make the change.

Perhaps the structural girder component works the same way?


Scott Womack
2008-07-09, 05:31 PM
I've never played with structural girders, but I did notice something odd with structural columns.

The surface pattern / cut pattern / etc. are controlled by the material parameter, which is not affected by view visibility / graphics overrides.

For example, if I want my cut structural columns to read as black solid fill, the Visibility / Graphics dialogue box does not affect it. I have to update the concrete material to make the change.

Perhaps the structural girder component works the same way?


I've been able to affect the cut pattern of structural columns in a linked file, but you end up having to override both the main revit link name, as well as the secondary name that appears when you expand it under the View Graphics Overrides section.

2008-07-09, 05:34 PM
Yeah, I just tried it, and it does appear that visibility of structural columns can be overriden now. I had problems with this back in 2008, so I'm assuming it was a fix in 2009.

Hrm... now I'm at a loss for the structural girder issue.