View Full Version : Bulkhead in Ceiling

2008-07-10, 05:45 AM
Hi All,

I have a room wich will have two ceiling heights, thus creating a bulkhead.
The lowest is at 2400mm afl, the higer is at 3000mm afl.
Question, how do i obtain the vertical bulkhead to close the two differing ceiling heights?

Is it as simple as making a wall to match the ceiling construction and modeling it in place or is there a betterway?

Any help is appreciated.

2008-07-10, 07:33 AM
Yeah, thats how I go about it. Wall to have bottom offset of 2400 going up to top offset of 3000.

You may need to unlock the layers of the wall construction so you get the plasterboard lining to show where you want, at small detail at least.

2008-07-11, 01:00 AM
Thanks Clay.

It is interesting when modeling something, and not sure if there is a better way.

Input is much appreciated.

Bill McLees
2008-07-11, 01:13 AM
There a several threads about ceilings and bulkheads. For most modeling, it's as easy as what you describe.

However, if you want to have the intersections of your horizontal ceiling and vertical wall cleanup like a wall intersection in a floor plan, you must search through the old threads and fine a method that works for you.

However, I just use detail components for large scale sections and forget about the cleanup issues. Automatic cleanup at ceiling offsets only happens when Revit is in a particularly good mood.


2008-07-11, 02:43 AM
As Bill suggested, there are many threads about bulkheads. Aaron R. suggested using a split region in the wall properties (see http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=63619)

This worked well for me as I was trying to achieve a legible section with minimal amt of fuss. I know there are other solutions, such as unlocking the respective layers in the wall structure, but the split region worked well for me. A few clicks with the linework tool and I had a believable section. I've attached a sample for your benefit.

- Jon