View Full Version : Default Materials - Don't want them

2008-07-11, 07:08 PM
Is there any way to permanently get rid of the materials in the yellow box. I delete them, but they keep reappearing.

2008-07-11, 07:25 PM
Is that in a project or in a family? If it's in a project, some of that probably comes in with any loaded family.

Have you set up your own materials for all of your phasing overrides?

I'm also guessing that Default stuff has to stay, because that's what it assigns materials set to By Category.

2008-07-11, 07:46 PM
I deleted them from the project, and I deleted them from the family. They show up again if I use the "Edit Family" button from within the project. Seems Revit automatically re-assigns those materials. It's always those same 9. I have set up and named all the materials I use and don't tend to use anything default.

I'm under the impression that those 9 will always be around, but was hoping to be able to never have to see them again, since I don't use them. :?

Gadget Man
2008-07-12, 05:28 AM
I deleted them from the project, and I deleted them from the family. They show up again if I use the "Edit Family" button from within the project...

Unfortunately you are absolutely right! They seem to be hard coded somewhere - since version 6 (I think) I have noticed this infuriating behaviour - as soon as I invoke the (external) family editor from within a project file these are automatically loaded along with many line and hatch patterns too. I don't know how many times I "cleaned" my families as well as Revit's in-built family template files!!! They always find their way back.

What is really annoying (and I mentioned it several times already in this forum) is that factory never cleans their mess from the production/testing phase of the programming. When you open a brand new template from a brand new install you will find so many different naming conventions used for the line types and patterns as well as materials and some other things that it is just plainly unprofessional. But, as usual, Revit programmers know what is the best for us and they don't let us make our own decisions...

It's either their way or no way. So flaming arrogant attitude, if you're asking me... And so unprofessional...

2008-07-14, 02:13 PM
I don't know how many times I "cleaned" my families as well as Revit's in-built family template files!!! They always find their way back.

This is what I was trying to do, clean things up a bit. Have my default template have only the bare minimum which I need to get a project started, and have the additional types come in when a family is inserted in the project. Certain patterns and line types also automatically show up and nothing can be done about them. I would prefer if only the ones being used in the project or particular family showed up, to keep things more organized, rather than having default never used types automatically assigned. I have also wondered why some default lines are named in between the < > symbols, and others are not.

2008-07-14, 02:21 PM
This is what I was trying to do, clean things up a bit. Have my default template have only the bare minimum which I need to get a project started, and have the additional types come in when a family is inserted in the project. Certain patterns and line types also automatically show up and nothing can be done about them. I would prefer if only the ones being used in the project or particular family showed up, to keep things more organized, rather than having default never used types automatically assigned. I have also wondered why some default lines are named in between the < > symbols, and others are not.

Those default line types between the carrot symbols are hard-coded and cannot be removed.