View Full Version : Why no preview for profiles?

2008-07-13, 02:47 AM
Why is it that when I click the profile button for a profile's type properties, nothing is visible in the window? I have several profile families loaded but I have no idea what they look like, and it sure would be nice to be able to see them in the preview pane of the type properties window.

To my knowledge it has always been like this. It's not just a 2009 thing.

And for that matter, why is it that half of my model families show nothing in certain preview views, but they do show a 3D preview or certain other preview views? And when I click on a certain property, I might see a red dimension line appear in the preview window, even though nothing of the family is visible in that particular view. Quite frustrating.

2008-07-14, 12:33 PM
Doesn't this bug anyone else?