View Full Version : Two out of Four Reference Planes are not visible in 2nd Floor and 3rd Floor

2008-07-13, 04:30 AM
Please help me in this simple issue: -

I have drawn Four Reference plane (Two horizontal & Two Vertical) in 0 Level (bottom most Level).

But Two out of Four Refernence planes r not visible in 2nd Level and all Four Reference Planes r not visible in 3rd Floor. Pls tell How these Reference Planes can be visible in all of the Levels.

2008-07-13, 05:46 AM
forgive me for asking the obvious, but I assume that you've already checked to see if those missing reference planes were hidden in those views? The 4th floor could have reference planes turned off by category and on the 2nd level they might have been hidden by element...

2008-07-13, 08:01 AM
But as u said that the Reference Planes r not visible bcoz they r hidden by Element or Category, then why not all Reference Planes r hidden and why Two out of Four Reference Planes r visible and two r not. Also we can hide them by cateogy or by element only If we can click on them but when they r hidden by default then how can we click on them and turn them on. Also I checked the visibility of Reference Planes in View Override and in Object Styles. These settings r fine and checked. I assume that this is not the matter of Hidden and Visibility I think they the two out of four reference planes r not exist in the 2nd and 3rd Floor. But where have they gone?

2008-07-13, 05:11 PM
Along with the simple answer of checking the visibility settings, one needs to remember that these are 3D elements, just like levels and gridlines. There are a few other settings that can also affect the visibility of objects in Revit. Because we don't have an image or the file to go by, we're going to be shooting in the dark - so bear with us.

Here are the general steps to take when you "can't find something" in your view, that you know is there or can see in other views!

Visibility? Click on the Lightbulb (Reveal elements) - this will show anything that has had it's visibility modified, either by Category (R/C or Object Styles) or Element (R/C only).
When you see an object ghosted in the Red/Magenta color (highlighting it as hidden), select it and either choose Unhide from the Options Bar or by right clicking (R/C) on it again and choosing Unhide.
Worksets? If you're using these, you could have created it on a specific Workset, which may be turned off in the other view. Check the View Properties Worksets Tab.
Design Options? Similar to the Workset issue - check to see if they are located in that Option or the other Option. Check the View Properties D.O. tab.
Phasing? Again, very similar to the Workset and Design Option issue - check the Properties of this object in a view you can see. What is the Phase setting of the other views?
Extents? Remember these are 3D planar type objects. If you created the levels after you created the Reference Planes, then the RP may only extend up to the level that was existing before hand.
If you can see them in Level 1 - create a temporary section through them and check their extents. Drag them up to cross your cutting plane (4'-0" AFF typically) of your upper level to make sureHope this helps!

2008-07-14, 03:33 AM
Thank u very much

I have another problem: -

We r drawing a Roof In RAC 2008, when we r trying to change Cut Plane Offset from 4' to 18' in View properties of the Level in which the Roof is based, then error appear that "Top clip Plane is set Below the Cut Plane". [Revit is not giving error up to Cut Plane offset to 7'].

Well, the same 14' amount of Cut Plane is working fine in Revit Building. Please suggest what is happening and remedy of it.