View Full Version : RVT file batch Upgrade

Taylor A
2008-07-14, 02:43 AM
I have seen the family batch utility for upgrading RFA files. Does anyone have a similar utility for upgrading RVT files.

We develop large senior living communities. We end up with 40 to 50 files in each project. The projects may be run over 2 to 5 years so there is usually one or two revit upgrades that have to be performed on all the files.

2008-07-14, 06:40 PM
Sounds like a job for the API.

2008-07-14, 09:24 PM
I think another way, and if i'm not mistaken the way i've seen others do it here on the boards, is to make or modify a journal file. The tool that I have is a .bat file that helps in the creation of the journal file. All it does is open and close each file its feed. Pretty basic. I'll attach for your use (this worked in 2008 so it might need a tweak for 2009, etc.)

Scott D Davis
2008-07-14, 10:15 PM
you can edit (at your own risk!!) the upgrade.bat file and replace any RFA with RVT, then save it and run it.

Steven Campbell
2008-07-15, 06:38 PM
I made this for someone else, can't remember who... As Scott says "Use at your on risk"
and back your files...

2008-09-11, 10:33 PM
Hi Steven,
Our current dilemma is that we are moving from a Novell server network to a Microsoft Server Network, and have discovered that we will need to move all our central files to windows servers, which require the UNC path in the central file be re-pathed (Novell address is a lil' different than windows address.)
If this is going to require us to open every central file, save as a new central file to the new server address, can this journal (or any other) be employed to help us with this project?

and then there's the issue of linked file paths... uggghhh!

We are looking at a significant number of central files to try to manually move...

any help would be appreciated...

I made this for someone else, can't remember who... As Scott says "Use at your on risk"
and back your files...