View Full Version : Tables crashing Autocad

2008-07-14, 06:07 PM
My tables have been crashing in both 2008 and 2009 lately. Right now I can't even open the drawing that the file contains.
I am also training some of my "old school" coworkers on how to use the tables and they have been very responsive. Normally they ignore updates but they like the tables and find them very useful if cumbersome to learn.
Pleas help me figure this out, they are doing really well learning tables but are getting frustrated with the daily crashing.

Thank you in advance,

2008-07-31, 09:28 PM
I haven't got an answer but my company is starting to suffer the same problem for guys that have just started using Tables.

So, I am user number 2 for this problem.

Please help us!!!!

2008-09-02, 06:14 AM
I've been having simular problems too.

I was finally able to link to the excel sheet once all the data held within a column had been changed to the same data type.

In my case, all values within a column appeared as numbers ie 1.5
However some of these were actual digits (doubles), while others were values taken from another cell using if statements etc, that contained text strings, ie 1.5 taken from “2C+E 1.5mm2”
Both appear the same, but are totally different.

hope this helps


2008-09-02, 03:03 PM
My tables have been crashing in both 2008 and 2009 lately. Right now I can't even open the drawing that the file contains.
I am also training some of my "old school" coworkers on how to use the tables and they have been very responsive. Normally they ignore updates but they like the tables and find them very useful if cumbersome to learn.
Pleas help me figure this out, they are doing really well learning tables but are getting frustrated with the daily crashing.

Thank you in advance,

I have had experience with tables causing crashes in new versions of cad, specially if the table has feilds in it. this is a bug cuased by a less than perfect video card. you can run the performance tuner in the options window under the system tab which will help a bit. but the real solution is to upgrade the video card or use fewer feilds in single tables. I don't know why it does this but that's what autodesk told me to do.