View Full Version : Wall Sweep Return-two corners

2008-07-15, 06:13 PM
After a week, I finally figured out how to get my wall sweep to go around the end of my wall. It shows as a miter at one corner, but I need it to meet up with a sweep on the main wall and miter a second time. I've played with both ends of the sweep including negative angles. Does anyone know how to get the returns to meet up and miter again? I've attached an image which will hopefully explain better.

Andre Carvalho
2008-07-15, 07:41 PM
If you are using the same profile and they are exactly at the same height, Revit should do it automatically. Try creating the sweeps at once by picking all the walls, one by one instead of starting the sweep over when you have another wall.

Let me know if it works.

Andre Carvalho

2008-07-15, 07:54 PM
I had actually tried that before and it's not working. Perhaps I'm picking the wall wrong. Here are my steps...
1. Select Host Sweep - Wall Sweep
2. Place on the face of wall "a"
3. Without getting out of the command, continue placing on walls "b", "c" etc..
(when I click on one section of the sweep, it highlights everything I placed)
4. Esc from the command, then click back on the sweep to get the options bar
5. Go to Change Sweep Options and use that to select one end of the sweep, which then returns the corner back toward the main wall
6. Drag that end toward the other section of the sweep
What I end up with is the condition I have in the drawing I attached.

I'm still very much a novice at Revit, if I'm missing some simple but critical step, let me know! It just seemed to me that they should automatically join in the same manner as a wall, so I'm glad to hear you say the same thing! Thanks for the help.

2008-07-15, 10:25 PM
The returned ends do not miter automatically with other wall sweeps. We had not implemented that case (and it never has been requested yet).

I think in you example you can use the "Join Geometry" tool to achieve a reasonable look for your inner corner.


2008-07-16, 01:45 PM
i had this same problem recently and this is the thread i posted...


i'm not sure why a continuous sweep doesn't wrap cleanly in the first place, but changing the sweep returns seems to fix the problem.

2008-07-16, 02:58 PM
cut off the ends of the walls that might not join properly and trim/extend the walls to corner. It will rejoin your sweeps and walls.