View Full Version : Dimensioning core of Generic wall

Rick Houle
2008-07-16, 04:33 PM
I have users who want to start a project with generic walls and then swap them out for the proper walls as the project moves forward. Sure...

But dimensioning to "Face of Core" on a generic wall does not recognize the core when the wall is replaced by a multi-layer wall... The dimension pops to the outside face of finish when the walls are swapped out.

If you start with a cavity wall and swap it for generic, then back again... the core dimensions are maintained... but not when you start w/ generic wall...

Small deal, but still looking for advice if anyone has something to share here...

2008-07-16, 04:43 PM
When you start the Dimension command, pull down the box at the top that says Prefer, and choose Faces of Core. That will be default put the dimension witness lines on the core faces of the wall, even if those core faces are the same as the finished face on generic walls. Then when you swap them out, the dimensions will remain at the core face of the multi-layer walls.

Also make sure that your wall location lines are set to the same face where you're dimensioning.

Andre Carvalho
2008-07-16, 04:43 PM
Yes they will. If you add dimensions to your walls while in Coarse detail level, and choose to dimension preferring Faces of Core, you will notice that a dashed line will appear on the faces, showing that you are dimensioning the face of the core. That dashed line only appears if in coarse detail level. If you dimension on fine, it won't work.

I hope it helps.

Andre Carvalho

2008-07-16, 04:50 PM
Ah, didn't know the part about the coarse detail level. It just so happens I was working in a Coarse site plan view and so it worked when I tried it a few minutes ago.

Rick Houle
2008-07-16, 04:50 PM
Thanks Andre,
that did the trick... "Coarse Detail Level"

Good obscure find, whoever discovered that..!