View Full Version : Trouble with Ceiling Plans

2003-08-04, 05:38 PM
I'm copying my reply to a new topic for some much needed help:

-Suddenly, all walls, ceilings and ceiling lamps disappeared from one of the RCP views. I re-applied the same view template as to the rest of RCP views, but it didn't fix it. It was the only RCP view with this problem (fortunately I had already printed it!). It's strange, because I didn't touch such RCP view since the time when I printed it, so it's quite unlikely that I modified any of its settings.

I am suddenly having the same problem with my ceiling plans. I'm using the Residential template, and there are no walls in ANY of my RCP's. The only way to get anything to display is to change the Top of the Primary Range to Unlimited, but then it shows EVERYTHING. Is anyone else having this problem or found a workaround? Any help would be appreciated!!

2003-08-05, 12:19 AM
The only thing I can think of at the moment, is that there is some element between the top of the walls and the main ceiling. Maybe another lower ceiling inadvertently inserted there, and the wall is attached to that. ? I'm sure you would have checked that though, and it would show up in the section. Could the phantom element be in another workset or phase ?

If thats not it, can you post the file ?

2003-08-05, 11:22 AM
Did you add an intermediate level for a raised floor or stair platform. If you did, "level above" will show this level.

2003-08-05, 01:16 PM
andrewg wins the set of steak knives...I owe you one!

:oops: I do in fact have an intermediate level because this is a split-level home. I set the Top explicitly as the Second Floor, not Level Above (which was referencing the Split Level). And, there you go. I was toggling between Level Above and Unlimited without checking each individual level.

Many thanks to the forum!! :D

2003-08-05, 05:55 PM
Would these be the ginzu kind advertised in so many infomercials & at home shows?

I'd like to cut my monitor in half so I have a dual monitor setup...