View Full Version : Oval Dome

2008-07-20, 01:37 AM
How do you make an oval dome? It should be simple but i haven't been able to do it.

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-07-20, 02:39 AM
Have you tried a revolve?
Or are you looking for an oval in plan? You might need to do it as a sweep.

Jun Austria
2008-07-20, 03:16 AM
How do you make an oval dome? It should be simple but i haven't been able to do it.

This can be done with a third party help. I normally use Rhino or 3dsmax to model something that cannot be done in Revit. Then imported to Revit and use Floor/Roof/Wall by face. Thats if you access to this softwares.

2008-07-20, 03:27 AM
I can make the regular circle base dome and an oval base dome that has a height equal to one of the radius using the revolve but not possible to make one with a variable height. I even tried a sweep blend on a quarter of the oval but it did not accept it.
I think Junaustria is right. It can't be done within revit and it is a shame. it is a simple shape. I needed to create a faucet handle on a plumbing fixture family. Will have to settle with a flat top...sad
Thanks any ways

Jun Austria
2008-07-20, 04:30 AM
I needed to create a faucet handle on a plumbing fixture family.

Oh so you are creating a Generic model. I see. Let me see what I can do...

Dimitri Harvalias
2008-07-20, 05:12 AM
I needed to create a faucet handle on a plumbing fixture family. Will have to settle with a flat top...sad

I agree that it would be nice to be able the create this type of shape but may I ask why you feel you 'need' to create a faucet to ths level of detail in Revit?
If you require it for a rendering or other visualization where it might be apparent to the person viewing it I would suggest that Revit is probably not the right application.

2008-07-20, 02:27 PM
I don't normaly create things to this level of detail but i wanted to use a Kohler faucet and I imported the 3D dwg into a revit family and used it as an uderlay to create a true revit family. The handle had that shape and wanted to do it but resigned to not do it. I will post an image when i have a bit of time. At any rate I can see this needed for a roof for example or any other object larger then a faucet handle and it can't be done in revit. I also orininaly encountered the same problem when i wanted to create an oval sink. I did create it but it has the limitation that the depth has to be the same size as the width which is fine for what i need but is not really correct. I am not trying to be diffuclt. I have been using revit for 5 years and love it but sometimes i am a bit baffled by some of its limitations. Not that i would use anything else.

2008-07-20, 02:48 PM
here is what i was talking about

2008-07-21, 11:16 AM
I think you are using the wrong app. for this level of detail.

If you are planning on using this for bigger model you will experience slow downs of the model. If you need it for sections or floorplans only, then you could do it with 2d drawings. (no that's not against the nature of revit)

If you are building it solely for rendering I suggestion you try to get your hands on max.

good luck with model!

have fun

Jun Austria
2008-07-21, 02:22 PM
I think you are using the wrong app. for this level of detail.

If you are planning on using this for bigger model you will experience slow downs of the model. If you need it for sections or floorplans only, then you could do it with 2d drawings. (no that's not against the nature of revit)

If you are building it solely for rendering I suggestion you try to get your hands on max.

good luck with model!

have fun

He can still use Revit for rendering. My suggestion is he should do a low-res model for documentation. And exchange it with a hi-res model during rendering. This if he don't have access for those 3rd party software. But this doesn't answer his modelling problem. I'm also trying to figure out the way to model this oval shape object.

Nevine, you're attached picture of the models tells me this wasn't modelled in Revit. I dont remember Revit representing that kind of wireframe unless its been imported.

Jun Austria
2008-07-21, 02:27 PM
I don't normaly create things to this level of detail but i wanted to use a Kohler faucet and I imported the 3D dwg into a revit family and used it as an uderlay to create a true revit family.
Is the drawing copyright? You think you can post the drawing file so I (or we) can give it a try.?

Phil Read
2008-07-21, 10:36 PM
Per the referenced image. Not to scale but the modeling process in principle still applies.

Just make sure the pieces are set to only show up at the appropriate orientations and levels of detail.

All the best -


2008-07-21, 11:46 PM
To clarify the posted images, the first one is a DWG (block) from Kohler. They have a lot of their fixtures in autocad 2D and 3D and anyone can download them from the web site. The second yellow image is my revit creation and is what i am using. I am posting the files
Phil, your solutions is what i ended up doing but decided to take out the top. I know it is hard to see on the image. It still does not create a true rounded top. I understand there are a few work arounds using other software but i don't have access or time. What i love about revit is the ability of doing the whole project from a to z in one application. If you visit my website you will see all the projects rendered in revit no max or photoshop. I don't need that level of detail just a good representation of the work and it has been suficiant. I was just posting this question because i wanted to know if i was missing something.
Thanks all for your suggestions

2008-07-29, 08:42 PM
I have created a Dome using a Mass. In the past I have been able to create shapes and then add a roof by face to the mass ( or wall etc..) the dome will let me do this but when I try to change the roof to sloped glazing to create a skylight system it will not let me. So I end up with either a solid surface or a sloped glazing with no mullions. I recieve an error message that says " Can't divide curtain grid by grid line"

Any ideas?
It works with curtain system, you just have to get your grid layout right.

2008-10-21, 09:03 PM
Kohler now has all of their products available in Revit.rfa format for download... but there is a catch... they are just the dwg's imported into a revit family so you still get all the tessellation lines until you render :(

I still wish/hope there will be a way to convert this type of file without going thru all the convert to mass/select face procedure that has been discussed many times. I always have a shaded 3D view open when I design and would love to see a nice smooth object without having to spend hours recreating it... If this could be done then all the great download-able SketchUp models would be available for use without the annoying faceting

For what it's worth... I also do not think it is wrong to build the model to the level of detail that includes faucets, door handles/hardware, etc... but it does slow down the model