View Full Version : Stamps and Circular Text

2008-07-21, 07:51 PM
Does Revit have the ability to wrap text along arcs? It seems as though it doesn't because auto cad arch text imports as a separate text field for each letter.

If this is the case what does everyone do for AE stamps? We are currently using images, however I am running into issues with using the filled region method for CD drawings.
I could create another opening for the stamp image but it seems like I am always making accommodations for the image....

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


2008-07-21, 09:02 PM
If you have your Arch License stamp in AutoCAD, then that's a great start. What I would do is the following...

1. Create a new Generic Symbol. Within that symbol, import the DWG of your stamp. Name it something like "Registration Stamp.rfa" and load it into your title block family.

2. Within your Titleblock family, place that symbol where ever it goes on your drawing sheet. Create a Yes/No parameter "Show Stamp" or something. Link the Visibility of the stamp symbol to the Yes/No parameter.

3. When it comes time to issue that permit set, simply turn on that Yes/No Parameter, and all stamps will show. After your print, turn it off.

Hope that works for you.

2008-07-21, 09:07 PM
If you have your Arch License stamp in AutoCAD, then that's a great start. What I would do is the following...

1. Create a new Generic Symbol. Within that symbol, import the DWG of your stamp. Name it something like "Registration Stamp.rfa" and load it into your title block family.

2. Within your Titleblock family, place that symbol where ever it goes on your drawing sheet. Create a Yes/No parameter "Show Stamp" or something. Link the Visibility of the stamp symbol to the Yes/No parameter.

3. When it comes time to issue that permit set, simply turn on that Yes/No Parameter, and all stamps will show. After your print, turn it off.

Hope that works for you.

We have that already. The issue is that we are a large firm with about 20+ stamps to manage. If I could get them all to work as you mentioned then that would be acceptable. The issue is that some of the stamps have been mirrored/ flipped in cad so when then get imported into Revit the text flipped upside down if I explode or partial explode them.

The rationale behind exploding them is so we can assign the expiration date to a parameter and just change that in the family rather than going through cad again.

In the end I would like to get the name, expiration date and license number in as parameters so that they are more manageable.... that's basically how the cad stamps work and would be less of a hassle.


2008-07-21, 09:28 PM
Do the CAD files look ok, if they are not exploded?

If so, couldn't you create a parameter that is of the <Family Type...> ilk. If all of the stamp symbols have the same center point, then you could parametrically swap out the symbol in question.

But to answer your first question, to my knowledge, Revit can not do labels on an arc'ed path.