View Full Version : large projects

Steve Jager
2003-08-04, 08:39 PM
Has anyone done a large enough project to warrant splitting into more than two drawings? And if so, what do you do to match up the drawings?
Do you just use the callout boxes? We currently use acad and use area plans with titleblock info to tell waht it is.

2003-08-04, 09:08 PM
Yes we have many projects that have the plan on multiple sheets I just make multiple plans and set the crop boundary as i need to for each view. I wouldnt use callouts because you can't hide them and I wouldn't want to show them. The best process I've found, is I do my overall floor plan, then duplicate it twice and stretch the boundary on one to the left and on the second to the right, delete any misc tags or notes that are now not needed. If you use a model line for your match line(create a new line type) then you can see it in all the views so you know how far to overlap your crop.

Steve Jager
2003-08-05, 04:06 PM
thanks we'll give a go.