View Full Version : ref plane from 3 points

ray salmon
2008-07-22, 07:31 PM
how do you make a ref plane with 3 points and they are best seen in a plan view..

sure miss the autoCad ucs system... it seems easier...


2008-07-22, 07:45 PM
Not possible :( For complex angled workplanes, it might be easier to create a shape-edited roof and pick the face as your workplane. Then you could possibly manage to sketch in a ref. plane if you want to keep it for future use. Otherwise create your geometry on that workplane and then delete the roof.

ray salmon
2008-07-22, 07:52 PM
that sounds like hassle work around for such a simple object
as 3dface...


2008-07-22, 08:35 PM
Could you post a screenshot of what you're trying to do? It could be as simple as going to an elevation view and sketching a sloped ref. plane. From your post, I thought maybe you had some arbitraty sloped plane of some sort and that's why you want to pick the 3 points.