View Full Version : Repeating Detail w/ loaded Families

cliff collins
2004-09-20, 02:50 PM
There war a post some time ago which started on Zoog site regarding Repeating
Details in families which could then be loaded into the project, and would allow
the repeating detail to show in section anywhere that a "line" was placed in the model.

I've searched the topic, and now have a general idea about how to do this--but am looking for more/expanded explanation and examples. Is this covered in Autodesk's recent
Revit material, or elsewhere? This seems to be such a powerful method, and it should be
brought to light for all to see.

Any help here appreciated.


Martin P
2004-09-20, 03:00 PM

Still an on going wish......

cliff collins
2004-09-20, 03:10 PM
Thanks, Martin.

Are you still using this technique? Or is it just a Wishlist item for future release?
Looked through the thread and your examples. Seems like a brilliant thing you
discovered. The software should provide tools for setting this up. Or at least cover it
in help/tutorials. Still looking for more info on this method.....Will give it a try.

Best regards,
