View Full Version : Reveals on a sloped wall

2008-07-24, 01:18 AM
Hello all,

I had built a vertically sloped wall by using the "Wall by face" function. Then, I tried to add a reveal on the sloped wall in the "Modify Vertical Structure" menu, but failed to do. The error message said "Vertically compound wall type features sweeps, reveals, or split layers are not supported on non-vertical face. Consider using a simplified type."

Is there any way to add a reveal or sweep on a sloped wall?


2008-07-24, 01:48 AM
You could make a compound wall with all the reveal/sweeps you want; save as a group, then rotate to the desired wall slope angle.

2008-07-24, 02:17 AM

I tried to follow your suggestion, but unfortunately could not rotate the compound wall. I received an error message that said "Element cannot mirroed or rotated in a manner that changes its angle relative to the ground."

Are there any other good ideas?

2008-07-24, 03:02 AM
Well if that dosn't work, I guess you'll have to mass model, with void extrusions and profiles for your reveals/sweeps. Pity you can't rotate the group. Maybe this should go on a wish list sometime.