View Full Version : Shared Parameter

2008-07-24, 08:35 AM
I can't do a "type" shared parameter on a drawing sheet?

Instance forces me to type it on every new sheet, and can get annoying.

Is there any way of getting a project wide sheet parameter?

2008-07-24, 10:26 AM
I think you need to add a "Project Parameter" to your shared parameters which can then be added to your sheet. I haven't tried it myself to verify it works though! :p

1. Click Settings menuProject Parameters.
2. In the Project Parameters dialog, click Add.
3. In the Parameter Properties dialog, under Parameter Type, select Shared parameter, and click Select.
4. In the Shared Parameters dialog, select the appropriate parameter from the appropriate parameter group, and click OK.
5. If you click Edit, the Edit Shared Parameters dialog displays. From this dialog, you can open a different shared parameter file or add new parameters. See Creating Shared Parameters Files, Groups, and Parameters.

In the Parameter Properties dialog, under Categories, select the categories to which you want to apply this parameter.
If the shared parameter provides project-specific information, select the Project Information category. You can then click Settings menu Project Information to see or change the parameter’s value.

If the shared parameter provides sheet-specific information, select the Drawing Sheet category. The parameter is then listed in each sheet’s view properties.

Tip If you add a shared parameter to the Drawing Sheets or Project Information category, you can add the parameter to a titleblock family, so you can have custom parameters on the titleblock. See Adding Custom Fields to a Title Block.
Under Parameter Data, select Instance or Type to store the parameter by element instance or family type.
For more information on instance and type properties, see Instance Properties and Type Properties.

6. For Group parameter under, select the heading under which the parameter should display in the Element Properties dialog.
Click OK.
Under Parameter Data, select Instance or Type to store the parameter by element instance or family type.
For more information on instance and type properties, see Instance Properties and Type Properties.

7. For Group parameter under, select the heading under which the parameter should display in the Element Properties dialog.
8. Click OK.

2008-07-24, 03:27 PM
confirmed, we've done this. Add the shared parameter to the "Project Information" category rather than "Drawing Sheets" and it will be project wide. As an added bonus, you can then also access it through settings->Project Information if you like.

2008-07-25, 12:23 AM
Thanks guys,

seems a little counter intuitive to add an instance parameter and get a project wide one, or maybe the help files need a bit of an overhaul to make them clearer.

I would have thought it would still be a type, rather than instance, but I guess in this case it considers the project the instance :roll:

2008-07-25, 01:14 AM
check the following thread on how to instance and type based on a title block.
