View Full Version : Email Virus Issues

2003-08-05, 02:18 AM
I just received an email purporting to have information regarding my account with zoogdesign...that was in fact a message bearing a virus.

Please do not assume an email that appears to come from "management" is real. We will not "spam" folks to let them know what's up...that's what these announcements are for... :D

When in doubt, err on the side of suspicion and caution.

2003-08-05, 02:06 PM
We have seen what I think is the same virus. Norton has been catching it for us. The subject also has a block of nonsense text after the "your account" message. The "sender" is one of our other mailboxes. I don't think you have to worry about getting blamed for a mass virus spam. I think the "management" sender just means that the virus has you emailing yourself, just like we are. I don't think that this means that it has captured the entire forum's mailing list. Thanks for the heads up though. This appears to be an active virus. Folks should be on the look out for it using the clues mentioned above. i.e. subject is something about your account or billing followed by a block of nonsense text & the sender is likely to be one of your own mailboxes.

2003-08-05, 02:16 PM
Agree it's probably not the full Zoog list. We did not get the spam here.

2003-08-05, 03:51 PM
Oh to be on linux or mac, where such things matter not. Or at the very least not using Outlook (or Lookout! as I like to call it) for mail...

Hey, for those at home, Mozilla has wonderful email program. It's free, open source, better than Outlook Express... what more do you want? ;)

Thanks for the heads-up tho. Haven't gotten anything here yet.

2003-08-07, 05:22 PM
Things are ok, it was the foo.exe worm, it was found and killed :twisted:

2003-09-06, 12:16 PM
New email virus, SoBig...has been making the rounds. It's been quite a nuisance for some.

Unfortunately some member(s) of this board may have been hit as well since Chris Zoog and I have received emails carrying the virus via the zoogdesign domain email. There are only two accounts created just as a testing feature...but it's meant 300+ emails to him and 25ish to me...

This virus uses email addresses it finds in "your" mailbox and uses them to spoof email it sends to others (puts one email in the sender and another in the send to). This makes it very hard to pin down where the email was sent from or how it originated.

If (at some point in the past) you've sent an email directly to Z via

or me

please take a few minutes to check your PC out to see if you've been "hit".

It's important to know that you can have the virus that let's it propogate/forward messages without obvious signs. OTOH, if you've experienced Operating System messages that "shut down" the PC, that's a strong indication the PC contains the virus.

FYI, most all the virus protection software vendors have free tools to help eradicate the virus. Plus they'd like you to buy their stuff naturally.


Vincent Valentijn
2003-09-08, 08:30 AM
I'd be very careful with mails in general..
last week I received an e-mail from a known Autodesk/Revit employee AND HIS WIFE!?? That made me a bit suspicious ~ and the subject being a Re: while I hadn't mailed him such message.
It turned out to be a virus that had used some info from my addressbook to disguise itself.. sneaky sons of :evil: