View Full Version : DWF Printing Problems

2004-09-20, 09:28 PM
I have printed my Revit drawing set to the DWF printer settings and for some reason a good portion of my text is coming out in a grey tone. All jpeg images print completely black. The title block information also prints in grey tone. The screen graphics are identical to the printed graphics. Has anyone experienced this? any suggestions?

2004-09-20, 11:31 PM
WOW, how do you guys find any real answers for REVIT?

I go to AutoDesk's site and follow the link to search the
Knowledge Base for only Revit and it returns this:

Knowledge Base Search Results

Search for:plot dwf

Advanced Search

No results were found for your search.
If You Don't Get Enough Results
What to Do Example
Be as specific as you can and verify your spelling If you misspell, or shorten a word, such as CAD for AutoCAD or tech for technical, you may not get any results. Or, you may get results you were not searching for.
Check the results you already have for a similar word or phrase. If you search for Drawing Data, your results probably include the word "Symbols." Try your search using Symbols instead.
Widen the scope of your search by checking all the checkboxes in the search interface. Verify that all checkboxes in the search interface are checked. This ensures that the scope of your search is set to all collections.

How much more specific would I need to be?

Cathy Hadley
2004-09-20, 11:31 PM
Have you set your color options to color? My DWF printer issues are not the same ones you are having, but setting it to color seems to solve mine... give it a try.


Scott D Davis
2004-09-21, 01:58 AM
WOW, how do you guys find any real answers for REVIT?That's why we're here!

2004-09-21, 01:31 PM
Thank you for the input Cathy, your suggestion solved the problem.