View Full Version : Beam wood-concrete All In One?

2008-07-31, 03:47 PM
I have next problem.
A made a simple roof structure completly from beam and columns made from wood elements(wood family based) and i made a roof slope that integrates this structure(so you can see the structure integrated between layers of the roof element like in real world).

So in the sections i`ve tried to join the structure with the roof in order to see all elements ok(like a wood beam cuts some layers from the roof element) . The problem is that wood material(from elements that were made from wood familyes) is not joining with the roof. I do not want to schetch over the section in 2d.

The only way to solve this problem was to remade all structure from concrete based families of structural columns and beams (i modified in the familyes the material from concrete to wood) so all the join problems with roof was solved(no need to clean-up). The section look ok now. Anyway the new problem is that in 3d all the joins are bad now with concrete because in concrete beam family, the beam doesn`t have the "start extension" and "end extension" parameters so i can`t control very acurate the joins like i`ve done with the real wood elements(based from wood familyes).I`ve tried to put some similar parameters but they are not work in the project file.

The conclusion is:
1.If i use wood based familyes for the structure of the roof i have problem with the join with roof element so no clean-up roof section betwen structures and roof layers.
2.If i use concrete based familyes where i cange the material to wood to make the same structure, the problem with joining structure to roof element is solved but all the joins of the elements of the structure can`t be controled because they behave like concrete so i can not extend very acurate the end of the fake wood beams.

What shold i do? Is a posibility to make an ALL IN ONE BEAM that take the advantages from wood(with fine tune on the ends) and concrete(capable of joining with layers of roof)? Is a MASS FAMILY based beam the answer. If yes can this beam behave so the legth to be defined by 2 clicks on 2 3d snap points like a factory beam?