View Full Version : Distributed rendering

2008-08-01, 09:29 AM
Hi all..

Is it possible to distribute rending accross different computers like it is with Viz et al? We're starting to do quite a lot of rending and as we develop our skills the rendering is taking longer and longer. We've got a few spare computers lieing around would like to use them to speed up the process.

I can't see an option for it and fear the only way to do it would be to import it into 3Ds Max and render in there costing £££ in license fees.


2008-08-01, 11:37 AM

Revit rendering can utilise a maximum of 4 cores, so the fastest rendering can be done on the fastest quad-core machine you can get.

2008-08-01, 03:39 PM
Currently you will need to purchase at least one seat of Max 2009 to set up a render farm. You would then export the revit file as FBX, load it up in Max then either use Distributed Bucket Rendering or set up a farm using the Backburner component of Max.