
View Full Version : Load a dimstyle into a drawing.

2004-09-21, 03:30 PM
Would anyone else like it if you could select a user-defined dimstyle from the dimstyle manager?

In other words, you could create your own dimstyles and then just load them into any drawing you want.

2004-09-21, 03:59 PM
I think I already do this....
User defined Dim Styles are in my Template
Then I can get them with Design Center

I think want you want is a BROWSE button
in the Dimstyle manager....

2004-09-21, 04:24 PM
I have dimstyles set up in my templates; however, there are a few dimstyles I use that I don't have on the templates simply because they don't need to be on most of my drawings. I would like it if I could have easy access to these obscure dimstyles through the dimstyle manager by just being able to select the user defined style. It could simply entail a "load" button right under the "compare" button. The "load" button would then take you to a window that you could define and/or load these unusual dimstyles into a drawing.