View Full Version : Getting Better...

2004-09-21, 06:02 PM
Here is another Revit/viz combo, that I did today. I had some color bleed issue, but nothing a little photoshop couldn't handle.;) Original Image 4000x3000.


2004-09-21, 06:41 PM
There's really no recipe for colour bleeds, I do not know but they are usually dark red or purple and I've no idea why they appear :)....Nice image, you've got the light :), keep on vraying! There's been a workaround to get rid of that electric green grass....I'd just lasso select it in Photoshop and have it replaced with real true grass from another digital image and have the overlapping contours (where appropriate) erased with a leaf shaped eraser tool.....

Scott D Davis
2004-09-21, 11:40 PM
There's been a workaround to get rid of that electric green grass....Scott's Turfbuilder fertilizer?

I think Zoog was the creator of the workaround for the grass....here he has just made the color a litle brighter, but notice it does have some dimension. It's not just flat grass.

2004-09-22, 12:03 AM
Chris, you should try the free edome lighting plug or some other means for lighting as I'm sure you would like the finished product even more and use the radiocity solution with it. Looks great...keep it up...

Arnel Aguel
2004-09-22, 12:13 AM
Nice one Chris keep them coming. You have improved a lot your skill in viz and vray congrats.

BTW i like your walkway, what method did you use to create it? Is it a profiled floor?

If you are using vray most likely it is the grass plane that causing the color bleed as it is the largest area that will create the secondary bounce of GI. You can control the color bleed per object by selecting the object then right click and click vray properties change the generate GI value from default of 1 to a lower value say 0.7 to 0.8 would be nice.

2004-09-22, 02:02 AM
Thanks for the comments guys, I've been having fun.

The grass was a Vray displaced Revit floor, so you are right Scott, that is actually geometry, it is not my usual Photoshop "wind" blown grass. It is a little iridescent, I will work on that.


cool idea, I will try that.


The path is just a Revit floor that was traced from the engineers dwg file.

regarding the color bleed thanks for the tip, i will check it out.

Have either of you tried out the new "post processing" controls for the ir map. You can control the saturation and contrast gi solution. I think I will try these out next time.


Arnel Aguel
2004-09-22, 02:56 AM
One thing i've noticed though is the black edge of your grass plane. Is your floor geometry breaking apart when you applied the vray displaced modifier?

I had an issue with this before even if i check keep continuity or even applied with meshsmooth modifier with iteration value of 0 my geometry still breaks up but only sometimes. Most of the time vraymod works just fine.

How about yours do you have an issue with that?

2004-09-22, 03:39 AM
One thing i've noticed though is the black edge of your grass plane. Is your floor geometry breaking apart when you applied the vray displaced modifier?

How about yours do you have an issue with that?
Yes, it is breaking apart. Not sure how to fix that yet, but fortunately, it kind of looks like a freshly edge lawn, so the clients don't mind it.

Arnel Aguel
2004-09-23, 09:53 AM
Chris are using vray 1.45.70? If yes you are right you can use the saturation parameter under the post processing to control color bleeding. In the earlier version you can only control color bleeding through the process i've mentioned above.

2004-10-25, 02:01 PM
I dont think this looks any better than an Accurender/Revit rendering. So why render in viz?

2004-10-25, 02:21 PM
speed and the simple fact I can use a render farm.

I love ar3/revit combo, but it just can't match the speed of viz/vray

2004-10-25, 03:00 PM
speed and the simple fact I can use a render farm.

I love ar3/revit combo, but it just can't match the speed of viz/vray

Ok. I never thought about the speed-issue, but I dont render that much, so it's not a big issue to me. The problem to me is the quality of the renderings! Especcially exterior renderings. Can someone point me in the right direction on exterior rendering? Should I first run radiate and then raytrace? What about sun settings?
